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Admin wrote: 15 Apr 2020, 13:48 What is the acceptable level of plagiarism with any research communications ?

As per my experience and understanding, 15-20% is the acceptable rate of plagiarism with majority of journal even though they may not mention it specifically. But, less than 10% will be the acceptable rate for thesis works which you are submitting to the universities or any databases
Akshitha Rani Siby wrote: 17 Apr 2020, 16:23 How can we assure the quality of data that has been collected by the students for their project?
@Akshitha Rani Siby

There is something in Clinical research called as Source document. The preceptor can ask the students to have a scanned copy of the source document. Like case sheet or reports (scanned copy or photocopy) with the permission from the Investigator or Clinician incharge. This will help give an idea if the data collected in authentic and has the desired quality standards.

Also, talking about quality standards, the data collection form or the Case report form, should be designed aptly keeping the study objective in mind. This will ensure maximum possibilities to collect the right data.
BhavathariniArun wrote: 17 Apr 2020, 16:50 There are various reference management softwares available for reference management such as Zotero , Mendeley etc. In your experience which is the best to use as a beginner?

Mendeley being an Elsevier product is easy to use as it has good integration properties and helps in citations as well as gives you a dependable option for cloud storage. The user interface in my opinion is very simple and Elsevier has a number of videos on how to use it...
In the RCT With the available Limited Resources I have Planned to do a Pilot Study. When I met a Statistician He Said You can Choose Convinent Sampling Method and Discussion with Various Other Mentors Told me that We Should have a Minimum of 30 in Each Group Small Population .

In a Pilot Study what is the Sample Size ? Is there any Procedures to be Followed to Calculate Sample Size in a Pilot Study ? If not what is the Minimum No of Sample Size in a Pilot Study !?

Does this Minimum Sample Size Pilot Study of 30 will affect the Power of my Study ?
T Navaswetha wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 17:26 What is the role of literature review in qualitative research?
@T Navaswetha

The literature review will be the heart of qualitative research. In qualitative research like case reports, case series, and surveys, it is important to conduct the literature search to find the previous data available on the topic. Because our qualitative research data will become more important when it is not addressed well previously.
Galeti harshalatha wrote: 20 Apr 2020, 13:54 what are assessment scales for birth defects?
@Galeti harshalatha

There are some tools available on birth effect which is recommended by CDC which you can find in this link ... tools.html

I could see some studies which used this tool for research ( However, make sure that, these tools are applicable in your settings ;-)
BETSY BIJU wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 15:09 Are consents always necessary in observational, non-interventional prospective studies?

Yes. Even for observational studies like cohort, case-control or cross-sectional, we need to take consent from the participants as we are accessing their information from medical records and taking their personal history by interview. By taking the consent, we are informing the participants that the information collected is not disclosed to anyone and used only for the research purpose without revealing the personal details of participants.
pravin.kumar1 wrote: 20 Apr 2020, 16:27 In the RCT With the available Limited Resources I have Planned to do a Pilot Study. When I met a Statistician He Said You can Choose Convinent Sampling Method and Discussion with Various Other Mentors Told me that We Should have a Minimum of 30 in Each Group Small Population .

In a Pilot Study what is the Sample Size ? Is there any Procedures to be Followed to Calculate Sample Size in a Pilot Study ? If not what is the Minimum No of Sample Size in a Pilot Study !?

Does this Minimum Sample Size Pilot Study of 30 will affect the Power of my Study ?

As per my knowledge, convenient sampling is the technique used for pilot studies. So, 30 will be good enough to conduct your pilot study which will be an asset for the future study. However publication of pilot study will be difficult unless it is a very rare area.
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