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PharmD Info Online Group Discussion

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Discussion Session No: 3

Topic: Group Discussion on “PharmD Research Project - An overview"

Date: 20.04.2020 and 21.04.2020

Objectives of this Discussion:

Upon attending this online discussion, participants may discuss & develop their understanding on the following topics,

1. Setting relevant research questions/hypothesis

2. Selection of appropriate study designs/types

3. Selection of appropriate statistical method

3. Importance of heath outcome research & communication.

Additional topics can be added during the discussion with the permission of the Moderators.

Resource Person: Dr Krishna Undela, M.Pharm, Ph.D.

Discussion Moderators:

1. Dr.S.Ponnusankar, M Pharm, Ph.D, Head & Professor, Dept of Pharmacy Practice, JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty - Profile
2. Dr.K.P.Arun, M Pharm, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Dept of Pharmacy Practice, JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty
3. Dr. D. Raja, M Pharm Ph.D, Independent Educational Consultant, Chennai
4. Dr.G.K.Sadagoban, Pharm.D, Lecturer, JSS College of Pharmacy - Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu - Profile
5. Dr.Swathi Swaroopa.B, Pharm.D, Lecturer, JSS College of Pharmacy - Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu. Profile
6. Mr.Muhammed Rashid, M.Pharm ( Pharmacy Practice), Research Scholar, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences- Profile
7. Dr.Mohammed Sulaiman Sait , Pharm.D, Dept of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, R&D- Granules India - Profile
8. Dr.Hema Sivasubramanian, Pharm D, MSc in Clinical Research, HRB-Clinical Research Facility, Galway, Ireland. Profile
9. Dr.Tarun Singh, PharmD, Assistant Professor, MM College of Pharmacy, Haryana
10. Dr. Sai Krishna Gudi B.Pharm., PharmD., M.Sc., (Ph.D.) Research Fellow, College of Pharmacy, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. - Profile
11. Dr.Karri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Reddy, M Pharm, Ph.D, Lecturer, JSS College of Pharmacy,Ooty - Profile
12. Mr.Vinod T H, M.Sc Statistics, Senior Clinical Data Analyst, PPD(Pharmaceutical Product Development) Bangalore. Profile

Moderators Role in Group Discussion:

It is the moderator who sets the context, drives the discussion, and engages the resource person and audience in an interactive dialogue. The moderator creates the tone and tenor of the program, enabling all the participants to feel comfortable and involved.

  • Moderators critically evaluate and approve the participant’s questions during the discussions.
  • Moderators will be a neutral person during the conversation and will not act as panelist during the conversation.
  • Moderators may ask questions or answer from a specific topic or points which is not focused during the conversations.
  • Moderators will maintain the flow of the discussions and that matches with the objectives or goal.
  • Moderators will have the permission to approve the post/ edit the post/delete the post/block a member and so on.
  • Moderators will not accept/approve any account or technical related questions on the discussion topic.
  • Moderators will not accept/approve repeated questions or answers on the same matter/point which is already discussed.

About the Resource Person:


Krishna Undela had graduated in Pharmacy from Sree Vidyanikethan College of Pharmacy, Tirupati in 2010 and completed M.Pharm (Pharmacy Practice) from National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Mohali in 2012. Thereafter he started working at JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru as a Lecturer in Department of Pharmacy Practice. He completed his Ph.D. in August 2019 and his Doctoral Research work entitled ‘Impact of Medical Conditions and Medication Use during Pregnancy on Adverse Birth Outcomes: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study’. He is an instructor for Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacotherapeutics subjects for Pharm.D. and Post Graduate programs.

Krishna Undela is having an experience in conducting various Pharmacoepidemiological studies in hospital and community settings. He received travel grants from International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) to attend ISPE conferences held at Hong Kong (in 2013), Taiwan (in 2014), Thailand (in 2015) as a delegate, and Australia (in 2017), China (in 2018) and Japan (in 2019) as an Educational Session Speaker. He also received travel grant from International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) to attend ISPOR European Congress held at Austria in 2016. He received 2015 Endeavour Executive Fellowship from Department of Education, Australian Government to undertake three months training on “Advanced Pharmacoepidemiology and Quality Use of Medicines” at University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.

Krishna Undela is also having an expertise in conducting Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses and published papers in various peer reviewed reputed journals, which are cited well. He presented one of his meta-analysis paper on ‘Statin use and risk of Parkinson’s disease’ at 20th World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders held at Geneva, Switzerland in December, 2013. Currently there are 50+ scientific publications in his credit. Total citations of his publications are 650+ with h-index 9 and i10-index 9.

Krishna Undela delivered more than 50 guest lectures at various national and international conferences in the areas of Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacoeconomics and Systematic Review & Meta-analysis.

Krishna Undela currently a member of International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP), International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE), International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)

Learn how to ask questions....

Note: Only PharmD Info regsitered members can participate in this discussion. Participants Messages/Replies required moderators permission to get posted on our forum.Make sure that your questions are related to the objectives of our discussions and repeated questions/answers will not be accepted. Mutual Respect is needed during the discussion, Respects everybody’s viewpoints even if not aligned with ones views. Kindly address your fellow PharmD Info group members with respect. Participants can post your questions from now but it will be accepted/replied only on 20 & 21st April 2020..

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Dear all, I Welcome all of you for our DAY- 1 (20.04.2020) Online Group Discussion- 3

I thank all the participants, resource person and moderators for their support and joining us. We hope this will be a useful and effective event for all the PharmD Students/Graduates from India/Abroad.

Participants are requested to go through the answers provided by our moderators and follow them for further questions.

You can view the answered questions from the Page Number: 7

To read answers - Click Here
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