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krishnaundela wrote: 20 Apr 2020, 13:39
Shalini1697 wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 13:05 How does communication impact the health care sector?

However, it is not specifically related to the topic which is planned to discuss today. I would like to add that, communication plays a major role in healthcare practice in all aspects which started from patient admission till the discharge and thereafter.

You could read this systematic review which will give more insights towards your query.
@shalini s

I think she mean the impact of our publication in the health sector. If so my answer follows below,

As we know our PharmD program is an infancy stage in India, but our pharmaceutical care services and its related outcomes making significant impact on healthcare. This message should be often communicated scientifically to the healthcare governing bodies and other healthcare professionals to remind them that we are also existing to serve the patients.
Ajithjohn wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 15:24 Can you suggest some primary data sources for the literature review for a study on drug safety?
You can search in databases such as "PubMed/MedLine, Scopus, Web of Science, CENTRAL/Cochrane, Google Scholar"

I feel the question is bit broad. If you can mention the specific area, then we can answer more focused way.
Ashna Chackochan wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 15:25 How can we control reporting bias while conducting an observational study?
Please write your paper according to the STROBE checklist which will help you to avoid the reporting bias in observational studies.

One other way is to refer the observational studies published by the journals such as JAMA, Lancet (where I observed the minimum publication bias) while you prepare your manuscript.
Ayilya M wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 16:48 How do we choose an appropriate drug for doing Pharmacoeconomic studies in a secondary care hospital sector?
As of now, I think we can't say an appropriate drug to do a Pharmacoeoconomic study. However, an area where you can think pharmacoeconomic study is infectious disease as well as cancer as per my observation.

Where there is a need to minimize the cost of treatment by replacing with similar or superior alternative, there is a possibility of a proper pharmacoeconomic evaluation.
shonitha wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 18:26 Can a forest plot be conducted for one study, if yes, what is the significance of that?
I do not feel it is appropriate to make a forest plot of one study as the simple definition of forest plot as follow:
"A forest plot, also known as a blobbogram, is a graphical display of estimated results from a number of scientific studies addressing the same question, along with the overall results"
Messiah menoraj wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 17:05 What's the Quantitative alternative for data synthesis if a meta-analysis cannot be performed?
I do not think there is an alternative quantitative method other than meta-analysis. Because quantitative synthesis of systematic review is called as the "meta-analysis". If not you can present the data synthesis as "Systematic review/Narrative review"

However, there is concept called as Meta synthesis where the researcher integrates findings from multiple, related qualitative studies on a particular topic
Muhammed Rashid PP wrote: 20 Apr 2020, 14:28
Messiah menoraj wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 17:05 What's the Quantitative alternative for data synthesis if a meta-analysis cannot be performed?
I do not think there is an alternative quantitative method other than meta-analysis. Because quantitative synthesis of systematic review is called as the "meta-analysis". If not you can present the data synthesis as "Systematic review/Narrative review"

However, there is concept called as Meta synthesis where the researcher integrates findings from multiple, related qualitative studies on a particular topic
In addition to the Mr.Rashid answers, Other than Meta Analysis we can say Decision Analysis is also a type of quantitative synthesis study.
T Navaswetha wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 19:52 What is the difference between scoping and integrative literature review?
Scoping review is something similar to the systematic review but include the description or data related to the key concepts; gaps in the research; types and sources of evidence to inform practice, policymaking, and challenges etc.,

Please read this paper, it is a scoping review of scoping reviews :-)

Integrative literature review is a systematic review with or without meta analysis which will have the data from both qualitative and quantitative studies on a particular topic

I urge you to read this paper (
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