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Shefali Deo wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:25 A concept of “herd community”.Is it practiced in India? If Yes , then at what extent ? Also , are there any significant advantages of practicing herd community.
Herd immunity-better to consider as an achievement rather than a practice. If you vaccinate, you are protecting yourself and community around you. In fact, now this session however may contribute a little for herd immunity by creating awareness about vaccination significance.

As for advantages, we have eradicated small pox from the world- best example for herd immunity. Pneumococcal infections are more prominent in adults than in pediatrics. However vaccination in children reduced the risk of exposures in adults to pneumococcal infections.

In Indian Scenario, it is difficult to practice herd immunity, due to diversity, lack of awareness, high incidence of communicable diseases, importantly ineligibility for vaccination due to immuno-suppressive conditions like AIDS, cancer, Tuberculosis etc.,

We can hope for herd immunity by implementing better approaches and practice by educating ourselves and to public concerning significance of vaccination.
Today we are seeing Pediatricians prescribing Acellular vaccines stating that they are painless and less adverse reactions...
My question is does these Vaccines really give better immunity or long term protection to Host....
Also, is the claim made upon Acellular vaccines that they have less adverse effects TRUE
preetha sivagnanm97 wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:26 What is the Checklist required before administering vaccines?
As per WHO check list is not only required before vaccination. It has to be followed after the vaccination also. Please find attachment for the check list which explains clearly what are all the measures to be taken before and after vaccination. For more details please check on the below link. ... zation.pdf
vishwasjss wrote: 24 Nov 2018, 13:19 Today we are seeing Pediatricians prescribing Acellular vaccines stating that they are painless and less adverse reactions...
My question is does these Vaccines really give better immunity or long term protection to Host....
Also, is the claim made upon Acellular vaccines that they have less adverse effects TRUE
You mentioned Acellular vaccine... hope you meant Acellular Pertussis vaccine.... Acellular Pertussis vaccine causes less adverse events when compared to Whole cell Pertussis vaccine as it has less proteins present in it. The incidence of Serious AEFIs such as Seizures are well known with Whole cell Pertussis vaccine where as the incidence is less with Acellular Pertussis vaccine. There is no difference in the immunity levels obtained after the administration of both these vaccines.
jitha.jitha wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:20 Why does the efficacy of vaccines change
with different population??
Vaccine effectiveness is often confused with vaccine efficacy

Vaccine efficacy is the term usually used in clinical trials to represent the “ best case scenarios” of vaccine protectiveness under controlled conditions. The outcome data (vaccine efficacy) generally are expressed as a proportionate reduction in disease attack rate (AR) between the unvaccinated (ARU) and vaccinated (ARV) study cohorts

Essentially, vaccine effectiveness is a “ real world” view of how a vaccine (which may have already proven to have high vaccine efficacy) reduces disease in a population

So I think you are discussing about vaccine effectiveness.... the effectiveness of vaccine in different population depends on many factors such as
- Host Factors - Age group of the population, co- morbid diseases of the population, previous exposure to the same antigen, , co-administration of other vaccines
-completeness of the vaccination schedule
- Epidemiological factors such as force of infection in the area from where the population is present, Herd immunity of the community, difference in the strain present in the vaccine and the infective cause, etc.
Vobbineni Lokesh wrote: 24 Nov 2018, 12:12
Shefali Deo wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:25 A concept of “herd community”.Is it practiced in India? If Yes , then at what extent ? Also , are there any significant advantages of practicing herd community.
Herd immunity-better to consider as an achievement rather than a practice. If you vaccinate, you are protecting yourself and community around you. In fact, now this session however may contribute a little for herd immunity by creating awareness about vaccination significance.

As for advantages, we have eradicated small pox from the world- best example for herd immunity. Pneumococcal infections are more prominent in adults than in pediatrics. However vaccination in children reduced the risk of exposures in adults to pneumococcal infections.

In Indian Scenario, it is difficult to practice herd immunity, due to diversity, lack of awareness, high incidence of communicable diseases, importantly ineligibility for vaccination due to immuno-suppressive conditions like AIDS, cancer, Tuberculosis etc.,

We can hope for herd immunity by implementing better approaches and practice by educating ourselves and to public concerning significance of vaccination.

An Example of a program initiated by the government of India to achieve Herd Immunity is our 'Pulse Polio Immunisation Program'. This Program provides 2 doses of oral polio vaccine to all babies aged less than 5 years in India every year. GoI launched this program in 1998 and with the success of the program, WHO declared India as a Polio free country on March 2014.
SumitRai wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:58 How damage potential of a vaccine is estimated?
The damage potential of a vaccine due to the temperature fluctuations can be estimated using Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM). VVM is a time and temperature sensitive colored label that provides an indication of the cumulative heat to which the vial has been exposed. The VVM is applied to the outside of a vaccine vial, and it applies only to that particular vial.
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