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PharmD Info Online Group Discussion

Discussion Session No: 2

Topic: Group Discussion on “Significance of Vaccine Safety"

Date: 24.11.2018 and 25.11.2018

Objectives of this Discussion:

Upon attending this online discussion, participants may develop their understanding on the following topics,

1. Understanding the importance of Vaccine Safety Monitoring.

2. Need to raise the national level awareness about Vaccine Safety.

3. Understanding the steps involved in conducting AEFI investigation

Additional topics can be added during the discussion with the permission of the Moderators.

Resource Person: Dr.A.Pramod Kumar, M Pharm, Ph.D, Lead CRO - Bioclinica

Discussion Moderators:

1. Ms.Roopa Batuskar, Lecturer, JSS College of Pharmacy,- Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu
2. Dr.G.K.Sadagoban, Pharm.D, Lecturer, JSS College of Pharmacy - Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu
3. Dr. Dharani Boopathi, Pharm.D, National Coordination Centre – PvPI, Sr. PV Associate,
4. Ms.Mallika JBN from Bioclinica, Sr. PV Associate
5. Mr. Rajesh G from Bioclinica, Sr. PV Associate
6. Mr. Manohar Gopal A from Bioclinica, Associate Team Lead
7.Dr. Lokesh V, Pharm.D, from National Coordination Centre – PvPI, Sr. PV Associate
8. Ms.Juny Sebastin, M Pharm, Lecturer, JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru, Karnataka

Moderators Role in Group Discussion:

It is the moderator who sets the context, drives the discussion, and engages the resource person and audience in an interactive dialogue. The moderator creates the tone and tenor of the program, enabling all the participants to feel comfortable and involved.

>Moderators critically evaluate and approve the participant’s questions during the discussions.
>Moderators will be a neutral person during the conversation and will not act as panelist during the conversation.
>Moderators may ask questions or answer from a specific topic or points which is not focused during the conversations.
>Moderators will maintain the flow of the discussions and that matches with the objectives or goal.
>Moderators will have the permission to approve the post/ edit the post/delete the post/block a member and so on.
>Moderators will not accept/approve any account or technical related questions on the discussion topic.
>Moderators will not accept/approve repeated questions or answers on the same matter/point if there is no different.

About the Resource Person:

Dr. A. Pramod Kumar has completed M.Pharm in pharmacy practice and worked on community pharmacy project (Home Medicine Review) to enhance the awareness of usage of medications among chronic patients.

He had attained Ph.D. Award on working in the area of Antiretrovirals. He worked on HIV patients and developed some strategies to minimize the ADRs in improving their medication adherence.

He had also awarded with PG Dip. in PV (2013). His entire education was completed from JSS University, Mysuru. His prime area of work included Pharmacovigilance.

He is PV expert previously worked for National Coordination Center, Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.

Currently working for a leading CRO as Pharmacovigilance associate. He has expertise in sensitization of Health Care Professionals on PV, establishing a PV setup in hospitals, Signal Detection and Literature search.

He had published 30 papers in peer reviewed Journals and had attended 55 National & International Conferences.

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Note: Only PharmD Info regsitered members can participate in this discussion. Participants Messages/Replies required moderators permission to get posted on our forum.Make sure that your questions are related to the objectives of our discussions and repeated questions/answers wil not be accepted. Mutual Respect is needed during discussion, Respects everybody’s viewpoints even if not aligned with ones views. Kindly address your fellow PharmD Info group members with respect. Participants Questions will be accepted only on 24 & 25th November 2018..

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