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Sayoojya R Nair wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:27 Comparing to old times infectious diseases are less, is it because of vaccination or due to our improved hygiene ?
Life style changes play a major roles in decreasing the load of infectious diseases in the community. Vaccination is the most important factor helped us to eradicate important communicable diseases.
Eradication of communicable diseases such as small pox, polio etc the examples of the success of our immunisation programs. You might have observed the news about the resurgence of vaccine preventable diseases such as Diphtheria in areas where the vaccination coverage of such vaccination is less is another example describes that vaccination is very much essential to prevent the communicable diseases.
DIYASURESH wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:29 Why can't we eradicate other diseases like smallpox using vaccines?
Small pox is eradicated by WHO's Intensified Eradication Program began in 1967. We need to have similar immunisation programs for all the different vaccine preventable diseases(VPDs) to eradicate all these.

Government of India (GoI) already started similar programs such as Pulse Polio immunisation programs and we achieved the status of Polio Free country by WHO in 2014 itself. GoI initiated mass immunisation campaigns for MR vaccine in the year 2017. The success of all these programs lies with the support of the population. So we need to educate our population to complete the vaccination schedule to eradicate all the VPDs from India.
Adusumillipramod wrote: 25 Nov 2018, 00:03
Juny Sebastian wrote: 24 Nov 2018, 23:45
roshan.tiwari wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:56 If the vaccines used with in a national immunization program dose not par with WHO what are the other options available in India????
All the vaccines present in India's National Immunisation Program are WHO pre- qualified.
If the vaccine is not covered in National Immunisation Program (NIP); then what are the options to be considered ?
All the vaccines released in the Indian market are undergoing extensive clinical trials and only then they get approved to release in the market by DCGI.
But as vaccines are biological substances, there can be batch variations. There should be strict quality checking options in the manufacturing companies to avoid any quality defects.
Juny Sebastian wrote: 25 Nov 2018, 14:48
DIYASURESH wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 15:29 Why can't we eradicate other diseases like smallpox using vaccines?
Small pox is eradicated by WHO's Intensified Eradication Program began in 1967. We need to have similar immunisation programs for all the different vaccine preventable diseases(VPDs) to eradicate all these.

Government of India (GoI) already started similar programs such as Pulse Polio immunisation programs and we achieved the status of Polio Free country by WHO in 2014 itself. GoI initiated mass immunisation campaigns for MR vaccine in the year 2017. The success of all these programs lies with the support of the population. So we need to educate our population to complete the vaccination schedule to eradicate all the VPDs from India.
Any insight, how much time it took to eradicate the said diseases ?
Dear all, Its time to close our session. I believe that this group discussion was meaningful and to develop your understanding about the significance of vaccine safety and its importance in India. I sincerely thank our resource person Dr.A.Pramod Kumar, M Pharm, Ph.D, Lead CRO - Bioclinica for his valuable inputs for the last two days.

I thank all the moderators for their support and involvement.

I thank all the participants for their critical and interesting questions.

Behalf of PharmD Info - Forum group, I would like to offer 50 BB Points to all the moderators as a complement for their dedication towards motivating and educating the budding pharmacists. To know what is BB Point? Click Here

We will meet you soon again with PharmD Info Forum - Online Group Discussion III - (Title )

Thank you all, Bye
List of Questions

1. Why does the efficacy of vaccines change with different population??
2. What are the measures that could be taken to avoid coincidental event following vaccination?
3. A concept of “herd community”.Is it practiced in India? If Yes , then at what extent ?
4. Are there any significant advantages of practicing herd community?
5. Can vaccines be personalized in the case of population specific Adverse Events Following Immunization?
6. If a patient is hypersensitive to an important vaccine, will that patient remain unvaccinated for that condition for lifetime?
7. Comparing to old times infectious diseases are less, is it because of vaccination or due to our improved hygiene?
8. Why can't we eradicate other diseases like smallpox using vaccines?
9. Why vaccines are not developed for all diseases or infections?
10. If a booster dose is missed, will it be effective if it is given after scheduled dose?
11. Even after acquiring natural immunity, is vaccination needed or not?
12. In case of negative press release about a new vaccine, how one should deal with it?
13. Is there any app for reporting vaccine safety?
14. Drugs like antibiotics does produce resistance immediately but vaccines does not. why?
15. If the vaccines used with in a national immunization program dose not par with WHO what are the other options available in India?
16. Patient has undergone an organ transplant, hence on immune suppresants but at the same time probe to TB infection. Will administration of Anti-TB vaccine be effective in preventing the infection?
17. Where we can get resources for patient education on vaccine safety?
18. How damage potential of a vaccine is estimated?
19. Can the expiry date of a vaccine be extended? If yes, on what basis and what are the possible consequences ?
20. Fish vaccination is a new technique to prevent fish related illness. What is the status of fish vaccination in India?
21. After an ADR is reported to CDSCO ,what procedure is followed to prevent future ADR's of the same nature?
22. What is this PvPI Toolkit ? What you do with that ?
23. Acellular vaccines that they have less adverse effects TRUE ?
24. Strategies for reporting AEFI.?
25. How much time it took to eradicate the polio diseases in India?
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