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Becoming Pharmacist in Canada

How to become a pharmacist in Canada from other country?

To become a pharmacist in Canada from another country, you will need to follow these steps:

Meet the eligibility requirements: You must have a degree in pharmacy from an accredited institution, be licensed to practice pharmacy in your home country, and have fluent English or French language skills.

Register with the national pharmacy regulatory authority: In Canada, this authority is the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA). You will need to provide proof of your education, work experience, and language proficiency, as well as pass a criminal background check.

Pass the Canadian Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Board (FPGEE) exam: This exam tests your knowledge of Canadian pharmacy practices and regulations.

Pass the North American Pharmacist Licensure Exam (NAPLEX) and the Jurisprudence Exam: These exams test your knowledge of pharmacology and pharmacy law, respectively.

Obtain a license to practice pharmacy in the province where you wish to work: In Canada, each province regulates its own pharmacists and sets its own licensing requirements.

Find a job and start working: Once you have a license to practice pharmacy, you can start applying for pharmacy jobs in Canada.

Note: The exact requirements and steps to become a pharmacist in Canada may vary by province, so it's important to check with the regulatory authority in the province where you wish to work for specific information.
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