PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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Dear Pharmacy friends,

I had conducted a poll on LinkedIn ( and my Telegram channel ( to get an idea of how many pharmacy professionals are interested to know career opportunities in Canada. More than 425 of you responded, 90% of you wanted to know the opportunities in Canada!

So here it is, do join me this Saturday at 10.00 am while Nithesha Bambila, M. Pharm, APA, CDE, Pharmacy Manager, Walmart Canada Corporation, shares his experience and career opportunities for pharmacy professionals. Mr Nithesha is an Alberta Licensed Prescribing Pharmacist, a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), authorized to administer medications by injections and has certified in First Aid and CPR at level “C”.

Do not forget to share this with your connections, somewhere somebody would be benefitted.

Do use the QR code to register. You may also use the registration link is in the comment below. Please register only if you are 100% sure of attending the live session

I am also looking for speakers on various topics where the speaker could share his/her experience along with the career opportunities for pharmacy professionals. This awareness would help our budding pharmacy professionals take pre-informed career decisions and help them choose the right job and company. If you or anyone else you know would be interested to be the next speaker, please write to me at [email protected]

PS: Instead of the regular 02.00 PM on Saturdays, we shall have this session at 10.00 am as the speaker is from Canada and there would be 04.30 am at 02.00 PM (IST). Let us encourage the speaker by participating in large numbers!

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