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Objectives: Understanding and measuring the patient’s perception on type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) treatment’s and its related health outcomes are important for developing type 2 DM treatment strategic choices which helps clinicians to make appropriate decisions and benefit the patients. Methods: In this context we conducted a study on type 2 DM patients (n=68) using the translated and validated Diabetes Symptoms Check list -revised (DSC-r) (Tamil Version) Scale for measuring the patient’s perception on type 2 DM treatment options. Selected type 2 DM patients were categorized based on their oral hypoglycemic regimens such as, Metformin with Glipizide (M+ GP), Metformin with Glibenclamide (M+GB) and Metformin (M). DSC-r 34 items self-administering questionnaire was used to measure the type 2 DM patients HRQoL status on 8 major type 2 DM symptom domains such as cardiology, neurology, ophthalmology, psychology, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, fatigue, pain. Results: The DSC-r Mean Dimensional Score (MDS) were identified and it was found to be 1.97896 for M +GP treated group, 2.06448 for M+GB treated group and 1.96597 for M treated group. Conclusions: Humanistic outcome analysis results showed that all the three anti-diabetic regimens produced only partial health status with the quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) average of about 0.60/Year.

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Citation Details:

Sadagoban GK, et al. Humanistic outcome assessment of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: A prospective study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13: 790-794, No. 2, Apr-Jun 2021. Available from: URL:DOI:
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