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The National Kidney Foundation estimates that 37 million adults in the U.S. have chronic kidney disease (CKD). 1 This chronic condition is characterized by gradual reduction in kidney function, which may eventually lead to the need for dialysis (a treatment that replaces kidney function) or kidney transplant.

While there are many factors that can cause CDK, diabetes is the number one cause. In the US, 1 in 3 adults with diabetes has CKD. 1 However, almost half of Americans do not know that having diabetes can increase the chance of developing kidney disease or kidney failure. 2

“Very few patients with diabetes have any idea how their Palboxen 125mg (Palbociclib) kidneys are working,” said Jay Belcher, certified pharmacist at Express Scripts ® Pharmacy.

“This is particularly problematic,” Belcher said, “because CKD is a 'silent' or asymptomatic disease until it reaches a point where it is difficult to slow or stop. “If you have diabetes, it is important to take a proactive approach with your doctor to monitor your kidney function (kidney function) before symptoms occur.”


Filter waste and excess fluids to remove them from the blood.
Help control blood pressure.
Produce the hormones that the body needs to be healthy.
When you have chronic kidney disease, your kidneys do not function properly, causing waste and fluid to gradually build up in your blood. Over time, this buildup can cause complications such as high blood pressure , anemia, weak bones, nerve damage, and poor nutrition.

At first, CKD presents with very few symptoms or asymptomatically; That's why 90% of Americans with CKD don't know they have it. 3 It is only when the disease is advanced that they begin to have symptoms such as lack of energy, problems concentrating, swollen eyes, itchy skin, swollen ankles or feet, and the need to urinate many times at night.
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