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shonitha wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 18:26 Can a forest plot be conducted for one study, if yes, what is the significance of that?

Hi Shonitha,

Firstly, I am glad to see someone who is interested in meta-analysis and keep up the spirit. It's an interesting question though.

As per my knowledge is concerned, forest plots should not be generated that contain no studies, and are discouraged when only a single study is found for a particular outcome. To display outcomes that have been investigated only in single studies, authors can use a forest plot using a subgroup for each outcome (ensuring that the option to pool the data is disabled). Otherwise, the results of single studies may more conveniently be presented in an additional table.

According to the Cochrane Handbook of SR & MA, if there is only one included study, in this case, authors should consider presenting the results in a table, rather than in a series of forest plots. Avoid drawing strong conclusions from single studies at unclear or high risk of bias.

Hope this helps.
Dear all,

I welcome all the members of PharmD Info, Moderators and Resource Person for the DAY - 2 ( 21.04.2020) Group Discussion). I thank all the moderators and our Resource Person Dr. Krishna Undela for their valuable inputs for all the questions. I believe DAY -2 will be more interesting questions from our participants & valuable inputs from our Team.

To read the DAY- 1 Questions and Answers - Click Here
Admin wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 07:36 What is ORCID? How it is useful for the researchers?

ORCID ID is a unique universal registered ID to each researchers which will help you to get identified among the researchers how we use other platforms. Nowadays, all the journals are asking for our ORCID ID so that, any of your publication or reviewer assignment will be automatically updated over there.

Moreover, ORCID is linked with many databases such as PubMed, Scopus as well as Crossref, DOI etc., So that your ORCID profile will be timely get updated from all these resources. If nothing work out, you yourself can update the profile.

In simple words, It is a profile working scientific community.
Diya Varghese Wilson wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 11:11 What is the most appropriate statistical analysis method that can be used for a cross sectional study.
@Diya Varghese Wilson

Its depends on your problem statement. In other words, on your research question. If you are interested to find an association for categorical variables, then you can use Chi Square. Further if you want to find the correlation or regression between numerical continuous data you can use Correlation, simple linear regression. If you are interested to find the difference between the variables ; depending on the number of groups you can use Student t test or ANOVA. It all depends on your research question.
Diya Varghese Wilson wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 11:14 Is it necessary to use more than one analytical methods when comparing 2 variables? i.e is it necessary to include another statistical method if using chi square test or is only chi square test enough just to compare variables and find the dominant group.
@Diya Varghese Wilson

It depends on your research question and the type of variables,

Example: Consider i am conducting a study in V PharmD and so I am collecting data like age[in years], gender [M or F], height [in cm], weight [in kg], study time per week[in hours], pubg playing time per week [in hours], attendance to class [regular or irregular], University results [pass or fail], University Exam Percentage[in %]

Research Question 1: Is attendance to class and University results are associated?

Here, I can use Chi square test is used to find the association between attendance to class [regular or irregular] and University Exam results [Pass or Fail] . Typically Chi square test is used for categorical variables

In my study, the categorical variables are gender, attendance to class, and University results

Research Question 2: Is boys and girls spent equal timing for playing PubG
Here i am measuring the difference between two groups, So I have to use Student T test

Research Question 3: Is studying time per week correlated with University Exam % ?
Here Pearson's correlation to be analysed between studying time per week and University Exam %

It is highly recommended that the researcher should have a research plan before beginning the project, so that accordingly data can be collected
greeshma_1997 wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 13:35 When preparing our own questionnaire is it mandatory to validate those questionnaires,is yes,what are the criterias?
Yes, if you want to use your own questionnaire you must validate it. There is a difference between data collection form and questionnaire. A questionnaire is some thing that you use to measure the variable, which you can't measure using any direct techniques.
Example , You can directly measure fasting glucose level in your subjects using any direct blood sugar measurement techniques. In contrast if you want to measure the attitude in diabetes , now you need a tool to measure the latent construct "attitude". Now it becomes mandatory that the questionnaire you say it can measure attitude is validated
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