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Messiah menoraj wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 17:02 How to interpret MANOVA in SPSS?
@Messiah menoraj

Procedure to do MANOVA in SPSS: Analyze > General Linear Model >Multivariate
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) is similar to ANOVA, except that instead of one numeric dependent variable, we have two or more dependent variables. It is concerned with examining the differences between groups across multiple dependent variables simultaneously.
Gangula sravani wrote: 20 Apr 2020, 12:01 What can i conclude with p value of 8e-05?
@Gangula sravani

In SPSS , the default precision of the P value is 3 decimals (0.000), In GraphPad Prism, SAS and R it is 4 decimals (0.0000). P values of 8e-05 is extremely low value , so it is highly unlikely you get such a P value. Plz check the data analysis once again , you might have made an error
karishma_reji wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 15:04 What are the basic points for selecting a good research topic ? How do we select a relevant research topic ?

Selecting a good research topic depends mainly on
1. Specific area of interest
2. The experience we have in that area
3. Understanding the current research going on in that area

Most of the time, a good research question will generate from our regular practice. During your practice, if you feel the evidence is lacking on a particular hypothesis, that can be your potential research question to pursue. One thing to keep in mind while selecting the research question is that should be something new, which is not not answered previously or results are ambiguous.
Admin wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 07:35 What is important for PharmD? Research or Practice?

Truly speaking, Practice is important for PharmD students. And it is not that Research is not important. Without the knowledge of current research and research skills, students can't make their impact on the practice. Hence, a PharmD student should mainly focus on Practice and simultaneously have the skills of Research.
Admin wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 07:36 What is ORCID? How it is useful for the researchers?

ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors.

As a researcher, it is vital to gain full credit as a contributor or a researcher in your work. One of the best ways to gain this full credit is using an ORCID ID, and other benefits

1.It can be used to track research output.
2. It also helps the researcher’s works to get discovered
3. Another main advantage of ORCID is that it is a lifelong digital identifier; meaning that the work will always stay under the author’s name and can always be accessed, even if the author gets out of the field later on.

For further details.,
Watch this video
krishnaundela wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 11:20
Admin wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 07:35 What is important for PharmD? Research or Practice?
Truly speaking, Practice is important for PharmD students. And it is not that Research is not important. Without the knowledge of current research and research skills, students can't make their impact on the practice. Hence, a PharmD student should mainly focus on Practice and simultaneously have the skills of Research.

I agree, i used to have this question often in my mind. As you said the research is important to know the outcome of our services and for understanding and implementing new interventions and best practices.

Also we need to understand the fact that balancing research and practice is difficult. Need of the hour for the PharmD program in India is entering in to practice and doing our professional services to the patient and assisting healthcare professionals. Its time to think we are trained to be a practitioner or researcher?
Ayilya M wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 12:04 When doing Markov Modeling, if the sample size is not sufficient , is it right to do simulation method to obtain data for the study? If it is possible , what are simulation methods that can be used?
@Ayilya M

Basically in Pharmaceconomics, Bigger the data, you will get better results & you must always try for a bigger samples from the available resources.

Markov models are particularly useful when a decision problem involves a risk that is ongoing over time. A proper subset of population is used for this analysis ( That Might be small or big) . The model assumes that the patient is always in one of a finite number of states of health referred to as Markov states. All events of interest are modeled as transitions from one state to another.

The newer representation of Markov models, the Markov-cycle tree, uses a tree representation of clinical events and may be evaluated either as a cohort simulation or as a Monte Carlo simulation.

Monte Carlo simulation model can be developed using Basic MS Excel or R studio (R Language) Open Source. If you are planing for high number simulated runs ( More than 1 Million ) for example, you must prefer R Language Packages.

You can start your learning using EXCEL models.
Jahnavi99 wrote: 21 Apr 2020, 13:43 How to analysis the birth defect

This question was already answered by our Moderator -@Muhammed Rashid PP

Muhammed Rashid PP wrote: 20 Apr 2020, 17:05
Galeti harshalatha wrote: 20 Apr 2020, 13:54 what are assessment scales for birth defects?
@Galeti harshalatha

There are some tools available on birth effect which is recommended by CDC which you can find in this link ... tools.html

I could see some studies which used this tool for research ( However, make sure that, these tools are applicable in your settings ;-)
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