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ShriSanghavi wrote: 18 Apr 2020, 12:27 How can a student approach for meta analysis which involves statistical methods for interpretation?
I can understand the difficulty from a student perspective to gain the knowledge and skills to conduct a systematic review. It is not possible just by attending regular classes. Rigorous training and practice are required to be well versed in the systematic review. Currently, there are many online and offline training centers for giving training on systematic review and meta-analysis. One best source for online learning about the systematic review is the Cochrane Interactive Learning ( If you can spend the dedicated time, I suggest you to undergo the workshops conducting by the CMC, Vellore ( ... ic-review/#)
Jemy R Joseph wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 11:10 What are the steps we can take to ensure high possibility of getting a research paper published in relevant journals?
As I replied to the query No: #4048 (I urge you to read the answer for that query)

It start from choosing a good relevant journal.
Good quality English, Understanding the scope and standards of journal, grammar and novelty of the research work... All these matters.
mahima m wrote: 18 Apr 2020, 14:48 In routine practice, how do we know which pharmaceutical agent is more efficacious ? Is it just check graded dose response curve or side effects also?? Should we check that time it self cost effectiveness of drug also??
If I understand the question correctly, the efficacy of any medication can be assessed in routine practice by assessing the expected outcomes. When you want to compare the medications, it does not always need to check for efficacy only, and also for safety issues. To check for the cost-effectiveness, both the cost and efficacy need to be assessed and compared between two treatment options.
BhavathariniArun wrote: 18 Apr 2020, 16:10 What are the free applications such as Revman available to carry out meta analysis? Which is the best portal to learn to use Revman as a beginner ?
As per my understanding, ReV Man is the free available software, which is best comfortable one, also recommended by Cochrane. However, you can do meta-analysis in softwares such as SAS, R, Python if you are having a good hand with it. Comprehensive Meta-analysis (CMA) is the other option if your university or associated organization have a subscription to it.

I feel like, YouTube is the best companion to learn how to use RevMan? ;-) ;-)
Bhavya Chebrolu wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 10:17 What is a Cochran - Armitage trend test and how is it different from the conventional chi square test?
Chi Square is useful to tests the association whereas Cochran-Armitage test of trend is used to detect the linearity [trends ] between variables
Lets say, X and Y are 2 variables
Chi square is used to test the association between X and Y. Here, both X and Y must be categorical variable
For Cochran-Armitage test is used to detect the linearity [trends ] between the variables.Here, X must be independent ordinal variable and Y must be binary response variable

Lets discuss with a funny example, Suppose i conduct a study where i ask the students that whether they play PubG ?
Now i shall have two variables
X = Gender (here the values will be Male or Female)
Y= PubG Playing (here the values will be Yes or No)
I can conclude my study with the findings whether gender is associated with PubG playing?
In this case, I can perform a simple Chi Square and report whether gender and pubG playing are associated
In my another study I collect the PubG players levels and the result of same year University Exam?
Here X= PubG Players level [so the values will be: Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum] and
Y = Pass in University Exam [Yes or No]
I can use Cochran-Armitage Test of trend to find the linear trend between different levels of PubG Players and University Results

Domain Examples
Example 1 Chi Square test
X= Gender [ values shall be Male or Female]
Y = Recovery from Corona [ Values will be Yes or No]
Chi square is used to find the association between gender and recovery from Corona

Example 2 Cochran-Armitage Test of trend
X= dose of a particular antiviral [ values are low dose, moderate dose or high dose]
Y = recovery from Corona [ Values will be Yes or No]
Cochran-Armitage Test of trend is used to find the trend between dose of the antiviral used against recovery of corona
We can't perform Cochran Armitage test using SPSS. It can be performed using SAS
BhavathariniArun wrote: 18 Apr 2020, 16:10 What are the free applications such as Revman available to carry out meta analysis? Which is the best portal to learn to use Revman as a beginner ?
As you mentioned in the question itself, Revman is one of the best free tools for conducting the meta-analysis. Visit this page ( ... ews/revman) for more information and training material on Revman.
kvuma1998 wrote: 18 Apr 2020, 14:22 What is the minimum sample size to be taken when categorization into 3 disease severe groups is required?
Sample size depends on the objective of your study, in other words depends on your study design.

In addition it depends on Acceptable level of significance, Power of the study, Expected effect size, Underlying event rate in the population, Standard deviation in the population.

You can calculate sample size using OpenEpi []
Tenzin tsering wrote: 18 Apr 2020, 21:42 What is the difference between efficacy and effectiveness with respect to clinical trials?
As per my understanding there is small difference between these terms, however they are used synonymous in practice. Mostly, effectiveness use in case of comparison analysis.

Efficacy means the ability of a drug or material to produce a desired effect, whereas, Effectiveness is the degree at which a drug is able to produce that effect.

I will give an example or scenario (Hypothetical).
Paracetamol and Diclofenac both can be used to suppress the body temperature., i.e, used to treat the fever. And, paracetamol reduce the fever in a single day course and diclofenac need 3 days.

Here, both drug is having "efficacy" because it is able to produce that effect. But, paracetamol is more "effective" than diclofenac because it more faster result.

I hope, the difference is clear now. ;-)
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