PharmD Info

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Naren wrote: 17 Apr 2020, 16:19 Can you please suggest a free online plagiarism checker sir?
Using free online software for checking plagiarism is not advisable, as these free versions will not check the plagiarism as effective as licensed versions, and also some of these software will store your files for future purposes, if you are a student of JSS, then don't worry, please contact your mentor, as all mentors have been provided with licensed versions of Turnitin by JSSAHER.
BhavathariniArun wrote: 17 Apr 2020, 16:50 There are various reference management softwares available for reference management such as Zotero , Mendeley etc. In your experience which is the best to use as a beginner?
Ya as you have mentioned with my experience, Zotero is good, as it is free verision, followed by mendly, But ultimately Endnote is my all time favorite
AshnaMukesh wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 12:24 Will research papers give me a chance to apply for Master's degree with scholarship???
Yes, 100%, In most of the reputed universities both national and international, the prime most criteria which they are looking into while applying for masters or PhD is Publications in reputed Journals. It will definteyl impress your mentor under whom you are going to work.
bitubenny wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 13:52 What are the challenges we face while doing a review article?And what all aspects should we keep in mind while doing a review article?
In order to write a review, you should have a thorough knowledge in the area which you want to write. Also, you should have a hand full of articles in that specific area that you are writing a review. Your review should be updated, fresh and you have to give a message (Future perspectives) of the area
Ibru Jaha wrote: 19 Apr 2020, 16:51 What are the effective methods which can be followed in order to minimize plagiarisms?
There is no term called "method", rather the best "Practice" is thourough undersatdning of the concept thoroughly and after that writing in your own words with simple english. Remeber that without proper understading of concept you cannot rewrite the same effectively.
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