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Acceptance levels of Clinical Pharmacy Services by other Healthcare Professionals in Hospitals

1- Poor
10 - Excellent
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vishwasjss wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 17:00 This question is for Dr. Govinda and fellow moderators,the basic Motto of a Clinical pharmacist is to deliver quality services to Patients......
How do you handle angry, irritating or tricky patients while you counsel them regarding Disease, drugs or lifestyle....
What are the points that a student Clinical pharmacist should remember before handling these kinds of patients.
We have to consider that any patient is not psychologically or even physically ready to accept the burden of disease especially first time.
They need time to accept the reality and support from their family or attenders.
for such cases Counseling should involve not only the patient itself but, the primary caregivers / attenders of that patient.

Even in some cases the counseling to the attenders itself finds a way to convince patients for better understanding of their disease and adherence to their medicines.
We should never try to overdo and should find sometime when patient is ready to accept our counseling.
Have patience, be humble.
rasmiraj wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 23:12 Dear Sir
How does the payscale vary for a clinical pharmacist in India, from a freshly joined Clinical Pharmacist to an experienced one (in general scenario)?
The fact is there might be not a salary offered as per your expectation initially as you join as a fresher PharmD/ clinical pharmacist.
Initially you might be disappointed, but, its because the caliber of clinical pharmacist is unknown in actual practice by other healthcare professionals.
Its the starting phase of clinical pharmacists in India, but eventually, if you have the knowledge and caliber your expectation will become reality.

Need of clinical pharmacist shall become essential for every good hospital in recent years.

Yes, definitely the pay scale of experienced clinical pharmacist as compared to fresher might have a big difference which is also because of knowledge and experience hospital working and exposure.
swathi wrote: 21 Jul 2018, 08:09 Dear Dr. Govinda, What is your opinion on doing specializations/residential programs after Pharm.D? How this will improve our level of services?
Doing residency or specialization is a good option, but experience or exposure after PharmD as a professional in a hospital or any other health setting is of prior importance.

When we come out of college and enter the professional world, there are many things we learn which are essential to test our knowledge and to understand how actually things work. Once we understand and achieve this level only then, one should decide for further specialization.

Also, if you specialize prior entering the actual scenario, you might not get what you want in terms of your expectation about your work or package.....
Experience lets you identify or modify your decisions about your specialization.

The PharmD course itself is quite up to mark to prove your identity in professional scenario.
Its a well designed program.
Admin wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 21:52
pharmdga wrote:
Admin wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 15:59 Our Government Head Quarters Hospital , Ooty is trying for NABH accreditation. What are the criteiras you focus under pharmacy domain for accrediation purpose?
The standards mentioned in MoM (Management of Medication) chapters are key to establish this.
it includes all medication related aspects like
a) Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee
b) Hospital drug formulary
c) Prescription (includes audit, legibility etc...)
d) Storage and Dispensing
e) Drug administration followed by monitoring
f) Medication errors and Adverse drug reactions
g) Narcotics use and regulation
h) Chemotherapeutic drugs compounding and use
i) Radioactive drugs
j) Medical consumables, Implantable prosthesis
k) Blood and blood products
l) Antibiotic policy etc....
Can you refer some resources for me ? Is there any guidelines from NABH?
NABH itself publishes "NABH standards" book, currently the 4th edition is available.
Its the best reference for implementation.
jeyarambharathi wrote: 21 Jul 2018, 09:58 How are the services provided by us are recognized in hospital setup?
and how is the internship different from work-place?
Good hospitals are a work place where there is a collaborative effort to improve patients health.
Services provided by you if favourable, justified, referenced which contributes in this process of patients well being then, definitely it is recognised.
You also get credit and appreciation for it. Other Healthcare professional starts listening you.
All of the above purely depends on:
1) Knowledge of your subject and patient
2) Basic common sense
3) Smartness (not over smartness)
4) Active participation (No over involvement)
5) Precise / to the point communication

During Internship you are still in learning phase, you still understand the diagnosis and treatment protocols etc.... the expectations from you are not to give decisions.

While during your professional work phase, the expectations from other health professional sometimes rise to decision making which in case of patient care should be highly mature, correct and referenced. This is the key to your confidence building. There is no margin for error.
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