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Acceptance levels of Clinical Pharmacy Services by other Healthcare Professionals in Hospitals

1- Poor
10 - Excellent
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Dear Samanth,
Pharm.D is a Doctor of Pharmacy where you will be clinically specialized. The basic eligibility criterion to apply for the course is a 10 + 2 or equivalent qualification from a recognized board and a qualified diploma in Pharmacy from any Pharm. D. College recognized by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI). The average fee charged for the course in India ranges between INR 6 and 20 Lacs, varying across Institutes. Various institutes accept score GPAT for the admission.
Whereas PhD A Doctor of Philosophy PhD or Ph.D. is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most countries. PhDs are awarded for programs across the whole breadth of academic fields. The completion of a PhD is often a requirement for employment as a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields.
Though after Pharm.D you can pursue the PhD.
pharmdga wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 15:15
Admin wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 14:59 @pharmdga @ priya.k-nair, How about patients' understanding about our clinical pharmay service? In healthcare services i feel that we are always behind the screen. What you say?
Yes, its true, but we cannot attribute this solely to patients.
Look at the scenario today, PharmD are in actual practice in recent years only. This definitely embarks us to meet and counsel patients in professional way, only then they shall understand the importance of our services.
When I was in Canada, clinical pharmacist there used to meet all of the patients at their respective stations/ wards and inform them about their availability for any drug related aspects starting from Medication reconciliation till discharge medications. To my surprise all of drug related issues were forwarded to and discussed with clinical pharmacists even by other healthcare professionals.
Adding to Dr Govinda' s points , patient counselling services to community can be gradually improved by providing a direct channel between patients and clinical pharmacist through additional counselling services like anticoagulant management service , transplant counselling etc .
This question is for Dr. Govinda and fellow moderators,the basic Motto of a Clinical pharmacist is to deliver quality services to Patients......
How do you handle angry, irritating or tricky patients while you counsel them regarding Disease, drugs or lifestyle....
What are the points that a student Clinical pharmacist should remember before handling these kinds of patients.
Logeshwary wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 16:45 Dear sir,
Im a pharmD 5th year student... On what basis should i do my project on.... Many are suggesting on epidemelogical studies... Will it be usefull or is there any other scope... Please give me some ideas sir!!
5th year project should be purely on your interest from the PharmD curriculum and resources available at your center. (e.g.: therapeutics, genomics, pharmacoeconomics, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, chemotherapy etc...)

Epidemiological studies is a good field if your interest are retro or prospective data collection and bio statistics on some active diseases or disorders like Swine flu or Nipah or TB or Cardiac, whatever pertains more in your area.
vishwasjss wrote:This question is for Dr. Govinda and fellow moderators,the basic Motto of a Clinical pharmacist is to deliver quality services to Patients......
How do you handle angry, irritating or tricky patients while you counsel them regarding Disease, drugs or lifestyle....
What are the points that a student Clinical pharmacist should remember before handling these kinds of patients.

As per me Patient Counseling starts when there is a scope to counsel the patients. If the patient doesn't cooperate means and he /she may need first behavioral therapy than disease and drug related or pharmacotherpy related counselling. We cannot set any counselling session with those patients technically.

Generally Students should be prepared the followings or trained when they plan for counseling,

1. Understanding the scope for counselling the patient
2. Setting priority points for a counselling session
3. Points to be covered during the counselling session
4. Steps to be followed during the counselling session
5. Understanding the Teach Back methods
6. Handling the language barriers

These are the major skills that they have to focus when they get training on patient counselling.
pharmdga wrote:
Admin wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 15:59 Our Government Head Quarters Hospital , Ooty is trying for NABH accreditation. What are the criteiras you focus under pharmacy domain for accrediation purpose?
The standards mentioned in MoM (Management of Medication) chapters are key to establish this.
it includes all medication related aspects like
a) Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee
b) Hospital drug formulary
c) Prescription (includes audit, legibility etc...)
d) Storage and Dispensing
e) Drug administration followed by monitoring
f) Medication errors and Adverse drug reactions
g) Narcotics use and regulation
h) Chemotherapeutic drugs compounding and use
i) Radioactive drugs
j) Medical consumables, Implantable prosthesis
k) Blood and blood products
l) Antibiotic policy etc....
Can you refer some resources for me ? Is there any guidelines from NABH?
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