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Acceptance levels of Clinical Pharmacy Services by other Healthcare Professionals in Hospitals

1- Poor
10 - Excellent
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swathi wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 13:43 Dear Dr. Govinda, are you involved in any clinical decision making? If so , can you specify any one of such decision which made you feel proud as a clinical pharmacist.
Yes I am involved in such decisions. Most of them relate to Drug dosing, Frequency, calculation and solution compatibility.

a) We initiated a directive which strictly prohibit use of Ionotrops and Vasopressors on patients in ward (being high risk drugs),
Clarithromycin 500mg requires minimum of 250mL NS to be diluted, else solution is turbid and causes pain / inflammation (phlebitis),
Albumin 100mL to be administered over four hours only for all patients with low EF,

b) Recently an infant diagnosed with invasive ESBL Klebsiella which was PAN XDR resistant to all available panel of antibiotics except Minocycline.
We were out of choice but took a decision to use Minocycline (which has no data on its used in Infants or neonates).
Patient was weaned off ventilator and discharge with fully recovered bilateral pneumonia.

c) Use of Intrventricular Colistin in Acinetobacter baummanii ventriculitis

and so is a regular process
Dr.KT NAIk wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 13:50 Dear sir/madam
I have doubt on Ph. D after regular Pharm. D
In Andhra Pradesh started Ph. D pogram in Technical university .
How can do research in Technical university
Pharm. D is Clinical oriented practice
As far as I understand PhD after PharmD has nothing to do with whether the university is Technical or anything else.
All you need is a guide and a topic.
If still you feel that the university you are trying to get into for PhD has some of this norms and you cannot research on the topic you want in there, than opt for some other university.

PhD after PharmD can be done, but, it cannot be Clinical Practice oriented.
You need to research on a topic which may or may not relate to healthcare practice.
priya.k-nair wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 13:58 Dr Govinda ,

It's true that in reality lot of clinical pharmacist are doing out of the scope services in an healthcare setting that will definitely deviate the expectations from a clinical pharmacist in future.
I would like to know about your opinion on standardizing clinical pharmacy service across India .
Its true that being a Clinical Pharmacist involves multidisciplinary tasks.
One of the reasons for such happenings is lack of awareness among other healthcare professionals about PharmD.
I definitely concur that a proper "Job Description (JD)" should be made for clinical pharmacist throughout and the Privileges at any work place should be granted based on them.
pharmdga wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 14:24
swathi wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 13:43 Dear Dr. Govinda, are you involved in any clinical decision making? If so , can you specify any one of such decision which made you feel proud as a clinical pharmacist.
Yes I am involved in such decisions. Most of them relate to Drug dosing, Frequency, calculation and solution compatibility.

a) We initiated a directive which strictly prohibit use of Ionotrops and Vasopressors on patients in ward (being high risk drugs),
Clarithromycin 500mg requires minimum of 250mL NS to be diluted, else solution is turbid and causes pain / inflammation (phlebitis),
Albumin 100mL to be administered over four hours only for all patients with low EF,

b) Recently an infant diagnosed with invasive ESBL Klebsiella which was PAN XDR resistant to all available panel of antibiotics except Minocycline.
We were out of choice but took a decision to use Minocycline (which has no data on its used in Infants or neonates).
Patient was weaned off ventilator and discharge with fully recovered bilateral pneumonia.

c) Use of Intrventricular Colistin in Acinetobacter baummanii ventriculitis

and so is a regular process
Its really a great job and challenging too!!!! But you will be forever Inspiration for the budding Clinical Pharmacist's in India.
Admin wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 14:59 @pharmdga @ priya.k-nair, How about patients' understanding about our clinical pharmay service? In healthcare services i feel that we are always behind the screen. What you say?
Yes, its true, but we cannot attribute this solely to patients.
Look at the scenario today, PharmD are in actual practice in recent years only. This definitely embarks us to meet and counsel patients in professional way, only then they shall understand the importance of our services.
When I was in Canada, clinical pharmacist there used to meet all of the patients at their respective stations/ wards and inform them about their availability for any drug related aspects starting from Medication reconciliation till discharge medications. To my surprise all of drug related issues were forwarded to and discussed with clinical pharmacists even by other healthcare professionals.
vishwasjss wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 15:12 Dear Dr. Govinda, how are you getting updated about recent Drugs/ Dosage forms...... on behalf of young Pharm D students, I request you to suggest few strategies to improve their knowledge and skillset....
I really appreciate this question as being updated about our field as it is one of the key impressions for other healthcare professionals to interact with.

Usually, sign up for news letters, articles from different resources available like
1) Medscape
2) Up to date
3) Lexicomp (One of the best drug references)
5) QxMD
6) PvPI (has now App available)

Most of them have apps available and provide a lot of medical news via notifications, emails etc...
Nowadays technology has left us with nothing out of reach. We need to start it using to maximum.
Admin wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 15:59 Our Government Head Quarters Hospital , Ooty is trying for NABH accreditation. What are the criteiras you focus under pharmacy domain for accrediation purpose?
The standards mentioned in MoM (Management of Medication) chapters are key to establish this.
it includes all medication related aspects like
a) Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee
b) Hospital drug formulary
c) Prescription (includes audit, legibility etc...)
d) Storage and Dispensing
e) Drug administration followed by monitoring
f) Medication errors and Adverse drug reactions
g) Narcotics use and regulation
h) Chemotherapeutic drugs compounding and use
i) Radioactive drugs
j) Medical consumables, Implantable prosthesis
k) Blood and blood products
l) Antibiotic policy etc....
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