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Acceptance levels of Clinical Pharmacy Services by other Healthcare Professionals in Hospitals

1- Poor
10 - Excellent
No votes
PharmD Info Online Group Discussion

Discussion Session No: 1

Topic: Group Discussion on “Expectations, Facts and Reality - Clinical Pharmacist in Indian Healthcare”

Date: 20.07.2018 and 21.07.2018

Objectives of this Discussion:

Upon attending this online discussion, participants may develop their understanding on the following topics,

1. PharmD in a Multidisciplinary Forum - Practical Hospital Scenario.
2. Skill Set Required to Get Selected in a Reputed Hospital as Clinical Pharmacist.
3. Pharmacist- Physician, Pharmacist -Patient Communication Gaps in the Work Place.
4. Career Growth as Clinical Pharmacist in India.
5. "Dr" prefix - Designated vs Earned.

Additional topics can be added during the discussion with the permission of Moderators. .

Resource Person: Dr. Govinda Ajmera., Pharm.D

Discussion Moderators:

1. Mr.Vishwas H N, M.Pharm, Lecturer, JSS College of Pharmacy – Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu
2. Mr. Venkat Subbaiah, M.Pharm, Assistant Professor, In charge- DPP, P. Rami Reddy Memorial College of Pharmacy, -Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh
3. Dr.G.K.Sadagoban, Pharm.D, Lecturer, JSS College of Pharmacy - Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu
4. Dr. Abilash Thomas, M Pharm, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, HOD- DPP, Oxbridge College of Pharmacy- Bangalore, Karnataka
5. Dr.Khayati Moudgil, Pharm.D,Clinical Resident, JSS College of Pharmacy – Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu
6. Dr.Binai K Sankar, M Pharm, Ph.D, Assistant Professor & Head Dept of Pharmacy Practice, Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru
7. Dr. Priya.K, Pharm.D,Clinical Pharmacist, Aster Medicity , Ernakulam, Kerala.
8. Dr. Varun Talla, Pharm.D, Academic Director and Clinical pharmacist, Talla Padmavathi College of Pharmacy, Warangal, Telangana
9. Dr. Hafsa Amtul, Pharm.D, Clinical Researcher. Rush University Medical Center, Chicago USA.
10. Dr.Divya Amaravadi, Pharm.D, Assitant Professor , Dept of PharmD, Anurag Group of Institution, Hyderabad - Telanagana

Moderators Role in Group Discussion:

It is the moderator who sets the context, drives the discussion, and engages the resource person and audience in an interactive dialogue. The moderator creates the tone and tenor of the program, enabling all the participants to feel comfortable and involved.

>Moderators critically evaluate and approve the participant’s questions during the discussions.
>Moderators will be a neutral person during the conversation and will not act as panelist during the conversation.
>Moderators may ask questions or answer from a specific topic or points which is not focused during the conversations.
>Moderators will maintain the flow of the discussions and that matches with the objectives or goal.
>Moderators will have the permission to approve the post/ edit the post/delete the post/block a member and so on.
>Moderators will not accept/approve any account or technical related questions on the discussion topic.
>Moderators will not accept/approve repeated questions or answers on the same matter/point if there is no different.

About the Resource Person:


Dr. Govinda Ajmera has done his PharmD from JSS college of Pharmacy - Ooty - JSS University, Mysore, with specific interest in Intensive care at Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa - Canada and Government headquarters hospital, Ooty as part of Internship.

He has trained Pharmacists, Nurses and Doctors in various institute on topics pertaining to rationalize drug therapy, Anti-Microbial stewardship, Preparation and compounding of Chemotherapy drugs (including Bio Safety cabinet) Anticoagulants, Narcotics regulation, Drug calculations and dosing, Formulary setup, Drug related problems and their solutions like Side effects, Medication Errors, Adverse Drug reactions including those due to High Risk Medications, etc.

He has also attended and participated in several National and International conferences on Therapeutic drug Monitoring, Clinical research etc.

He is associated with CHL Hospital, Indore (a NABH accredited multi-specialty, tertiary care and transplant institute) for five years.

Heads the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy services for Cancer Institute and is Convener of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Member of Hospital Infection control Committee and Ethics Committee and Heads the MoM (Management of Medication) - NABH for the hospital.

How to ask Good Questions in Conversations?. The following video may help you to set your questions for our group discussion.

Note: Only PharmD Info regsitered members can participate in this discussion. Participants Messages/Replies required moderators permission to get posted on our forum.Make sure that your questions are related to the objectives of our discussions and repeated questions/answers wil not be accepted. Mutual Respect is needed during discussion, Respects everybody’s viewpoints even if not aligned with ones views. Kindly address your fellow PharmD Info group members with respect. Participants Questions will be accepted only on 20 & 21 July 2018.
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Krishna K wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 08:13 What were your challenges during your journey as a clinical pharmacist?
Good morning...
The initial challenges were to make other healthcare professionals know about this emerging field and how can we contribute towards patient healthcare. It requires patience. It might take a while to make people aware about your capabilities but, further down the line, when they started to understand the importance and contribution, challenges seem to diminish.
kparunpharmacy wrote:Good morning to all fellow professionals.

I just want to know from the clinical pharmacists working in hospitals about the acceptance levels of your services by other healthcare professionals in hospitals. Please rate in 1 to 10 scale considering 1 as poor and 10 as excellent.
Dear sir, I made a poll for collecting clinical pharmacist opinion , we will get the answer from the poll results.
Vevian wrote: 20 Jul 2018, 06:36 Dear sir, I have a few questions for you.

1. Why "Dr" Prefix or "Doctor" of Pharmacy?
2. What should i focus during my Internship training?
1) Doctor is designated because its a higher university degree which matches global standards for all practising pharmacists. But, more importantly this prefix needs to earned by proving your calibre in actual practice.

2) Your focus during your internship should be to understand:
a) Ongoing practice scenario (ward rounds, interaction with other healtcare professionals...)
b) Hospital norms and regulations
c) Applied pharmacotherapeutics (drug, indication, dosing, frequency, side effects, ADRs, IV compatibilities, drug dilutions, drug drug interactions and their possible alternatives etc...)
d) Antibiotics use and indications (prophylaxis - duration, culture reports and treatment...)
e) High risk and narrow therapeutic drug monitoring
f) Journal reading and understanding from reputed publications followed by case presentations on actual practice and evidence based parctices
g) Government licenses (pharmacy, narcotics etc...) and updates as per Drug and cosmetics act and government notifications
h) Drug formulary and its updation
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