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By Atul
Dear Sir /madam
Nowadays there are many new online pharmacy shops are coming in India regarding the same I have some questions
Are they safe for country like India
What is there current legal status boz in between news they said it has ban for timely by dcgi is such any official regulation
to start online pharmacy what is the procedure how many pharmacist they require , what about prescription its validity again issue of malpractice, self medication, from whom they require to get license permission
what is current status regarding same by DCGI, state pharmacy councils, and state FDA
please if have any useful info share
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By Admin
In India Medicines are safe only its dispensed by the real and right pharmacy professionals.. Safety is always questionable !!!

For an example : Irrational use and dispensing of antibiotics leads to resistance. Why retail ( Community ) Pharmacy couldnt control this problem? When prescription is key for receiving any medication from the pharmacy .. Why not online Pharmacy???

I am not sure about legal issues and its status. if anyone aware of it come forward to answer for his specific questions.
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