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Pharmacy Council of India, led by Dr. Suresh Bhojraj presents a National Action Plan on Pharmacy Education in India to the Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare :

The Pharmacy Council of India presented a National Action Plan on Pharmacy Education in India to Sri Mansukh L. Mandaviya, Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India on 22.11.2021. The action plan envisages uplifting the standards of Pharmacy Education at all levels and further enhancing the scope and role of Pharmacist in Health care delivery in India. The Hon’ble minister has mandated that the PCI should :

1. Develop a globally competent Pharmacist workforce
2. Assure quality of Education
3. Have zero tolerance for institutions that do not maintain standards

He further assured the support of the government for all the good initiatives of the council in the proposed National Action Plan including -

1. Implementation of the proposed ‘Exit Regulations’
2. Strategic collaboration with global bodies and employers to increase employment opportunities for the Indian Pharmacists
3. National Pharmacist Registration and Tracking system

The Pharmacy Council of India envisions a glorious vision for the pharmacists of the country under the Dynamic Leadership of the Hon’ble Minister Sri Mansukh Mandaviya ji and the support of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
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