PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Guidelines for PharmD Internship, Hospital Training, Internship During COVID19, Clinical Pharmacy Activity Documentation Forms and etc.
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Dear Pharma Academicians and Student Fraternity

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysuru is pleased to invite you to attend the webinar on "Dissecting PharmD Internship During COVID-19 Pandemic", which is organized in association with Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi

Date: 30th May 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 AM - 01:30 PM

Please find the brochure for more information and registration.

Register in advance for this webinar: ... 73Ql7FoLAQ

Download Brochure-
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

For any queries please contact:

Dr M Ramesh, Convener (9901218640)
Dr Krishna Undela, Coordinator (9986779870)
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