PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Guidelines for PharmD Internship, Hospital Training, Internship During COVID19, Clinical Pharmacy Activity Documentation Forms and etc.
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Dissecting PharmD Internship During COVID-19 Pandemic Webinar was organized by JSSAHER, Mysuru in association with PCI - Pharmacy Council of India on the 30th May 2020,

The objective of the webinar

- To pave the path for conducting PharmD internship during this COVID-19 pandemic

- To facilitate the faculty in engaging PharmD interns in experiential learning

- To create a ray of hope among PharmD internship students in India

- To bring out the PharmD graduates on time to support the healthcare system in India

Live Youtube Stream - Dissecting PharmD Internship During COVID-19 Pandemic

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