PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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Whenever appropriate, pharmacists and Medicine Optimization Technician (MOTs) will counsel patients and if appropriate, their relatives and carers, about their medication, either individually or in organised groups.


1. Pharmacists or MOTs are often in the best position to give patients advice on the correct use of their medication.

2. Pharmacists or MOTs will assist in the assessment of patients who are most likely not to adhere to their medication regimen and will provide assistance to other healthcare professionals who identify adherence problems.


1. Pharmacists or MOTs will counsel individual patients and will lead medication educational groups.

2. Pharmacists or MOTs will on the request of a patient or healthcare professional discuss medication choices with the patient. They will offer advice on how and when to take medication and how to use medication delivery devices. They will also explain what the medication is for, and what side effects may be experienced.

Pharmacists can also support patients to explore their beliefs and options regarding medication. At all times they will be sensitive to the needs and understanding of the individual, who may need more than one discussion.

3. Pharmacists and MOTs will assist in assessing the patient’s capacity to understand, retain and weigh up the risk and benefit of medication from the information they are given. Any concerns will be documented in the patient’s notes and raised with the prescriber or the MDT if appropriate.

4. Pharmacy staff will reinforce discussions by supplying medication information leaflets in suitable formats if necessary, such as other community languages or audio recordings or will direct patients to reliable resources, as deemed appropriate. Patients and carers, if appropriate, will be given details of the Choice & Medication website and those on complex medication such as lithium, insulin or anticoagulants, will be supplied with additional specialist information resources where necessary.

5. If additional support is needed to assist a patient in adhering to their medication regimen, the pharmacy team will advise on the suitability of adherence aids, such as patient medication record cards and monitored dosage systems.

6. All patient interventions related to counselling will be recorded in the patient’s notes.
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