PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Treatment Guidelines - Hospital Institutional Guidelines, Standard Treatment Guidelines, WHO Guidelines, Disease Treatment Guidelines and etc
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Deprescribing is a strategy of dealing with polypharmacy. It is characterized as a planned procedure for reducing or stopping medications that may no longer be beneficial or harmful, with the ultimate objective of reducing the burden of medication and improving quality of life.

Enclosed a GDT Deprecription Guidelines for your reference

This manual is organized into five main sections:

  • Preparing to develop a deprescribing guideline
  • Establishing a GDT and preparing for its tasks
  • Drafting the guideline
  • Conducting clinical and stakeholder reviews
  • Facilitating knowledge mobilization

This manual also details the procedures for,

  • Antihyperglycemics Deprescribing Algorithm
  • Antipsychotic (AP) Deprescribing Algorithm
  • Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Deprescribing Algorithm
  • Benzodiazepine & Z-Drug (BZRA) Deprescribing Algorithm
  • Cholinesterase Inhibitor (ChEI) and Memantine Deprescribing Algorithm

This video helps viewers understand:

  • The rationale for evidence-based deprescribing guidelines.
  • The process used for developing the deprescribing guidelines.
  • The steps that a health care professional and patient need to go through to make and carry out safe deprescribing processes.

To Download Deprescribing Guidelines and Algorithms - Click Here
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Last bumped by Admin on 19 Feb 2020, 08:06.
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