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Are you a pharmacy student or professional looking for high-quality content to enhance your knowledge and skills? Look no further than Indian Pharmacy YouTube channels! These channels offer comprehensive tutorials, engaging discussions, and up-to-date information on various pharmacy-related topics. Here are the top Indian Pharmacy YouTube channels to follow in 2023:


Pharmcation is a YouTube channel run by Dr.Shikha Chaudhary. I a pharmacist and educator. The channel offers tutorials on various pharmacy-related topics, including pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, and pharmacognosy. Shikha Chaudhary's engaging teaching style, use of real-life examples, and simplified explanations make his channel a must-watch for pharmacy students and professionals.

GPAT Discussion Center

GPAT Discussion Center is a YouTube channel run by a team of pharmacy educators. The channel offers detailed tutorials on various pharmacy-related topics, including pharmacology, pharmaceutical analysis, and drug discovery. The team's practical approach, use of case studies, and interactive sessions make their channel a favorite among pharmacy students.

Solution Pharmacy

Solution Pharmacy is a popular YouTube channel run by Dr. Pushpendra Patil, a pharmacist and educator with over a decade of experience. The channel offers detailed tutorials on various pharmacy-related topics, including pharmacology, pharmaceutical analysis, and dosage forms. Dr. Pushpendra Patil engaging teaching style, use of real-life examples, and simplified explanations make his channel a must-watch for pharmacy students and professionals.

Carewell Pharma

Carewell Pharma is a YouTube channel run by a team of pharmacists and healthcare professionals. The channel offers informative videos and webinars on various healthcare-related topics, including pharmacotherapy, drug safety, and patient counselling. The team's expertise, use of real-life scenarios, and guest lectures from experts make their channel a great resource for pharmacy students and professionals.

Pharma Notes (formerly Vikas Bopinwar)

Pharma Notes is a YouTube channel run by a pharmacy educator and clinical research professional. The channel offers engaging and informative videos on various pharmacy-related topics, including pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, and drug discovery. Pharma Notes' use of humour, simplified explanations, and practical examples make the channel a go-to for pharmacy students and professionals.


These top Indian Pharmacy YouTube channels offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise on various pharmacy-related topics. By following these channels, pharmacy students and professionals can supplement their learning, stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry, and gain practical insights into the field. So, start following these channels today and take your pharmacy education to the next level!
Last bumped by Admin on 28 May 2023, 11:04.
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