PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Outcomes Measures, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology, Ad-Hoc Data Source, Record Linkage System, Cost effective analysis.
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Meta-analysis is a statistical technique that involves combining data from multiple independent studies to arrive at a summary estimate of the effect of a particular intervention or exposure. It is a powerful tool that enables researchers to synthesize findings across multiple studies and gain a more comprehensive understanding of a research question. The process of conducting a meta-analysis involves several steps, from formulating a research question to interpreting the results and drawing conclusions.

Formulate research question
Conduct literature search
Screen and select studies
Extract data from studies
Assess study quality and risk of bias
Analyze data and calculate effect sizes
Conduct statistical analyses
Interpret results and draw conclusions
Assess heterogeneity and conduct sensitivity analyses
Assess publication bias
Report findings and conclusions.

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