PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

After PharmD, MS programs, Ph.D., Fellowship programs, foreign pharmacist licensure examinations like IELTS, TCQR Process, OSPAP, FPGEE and etc
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  • Step 1: Do research on what program you want to study and in which universities (We would suggest choosing courses which have high demand jobs in future).
  • Step 2: Make a note of all the requirements and deadlines of each university and start filing all the documents (for example IELTS/TOEFL, transcripts, GRE, recommendation letters, statement of purpose, resume)
  • Step 3: Start applying to the universities and submit all the required documents and wait for the I20, which you will receive in 2 weeks or more. To know more about I20 Form - Click Here
  • Step 4: Book a visa slot to fill the DS-160 form. Don’t forget to prepare all your documents which will be asked in the interview. Below, I am attaching the checklist of the mandatory documents to present in an interview. Find all details of Visa Interview & checklist - From Here
  • Step 5: Look for visa interview questions and videos online and start preparing (I personally applied through IDP who helped me with mock interviews, also I recommend you to prepare as per the DS-160 form you have submitted for a visa slot)
  • Step 6: Give the visa interview with confidence. Hopefully if you clear then the major hurdle has been cleared.
  • Step 7: Look for accommodation when you arrive in the USA. You can skip this step if you are enrolled in on-campus housing.
  • Step 8: Book your tickets. Be prepared for some immigration questions (about the college and reason for studying) which will be asked at the airport too.
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