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National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) 2022 was launched by Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare.

NLEM will promote cost-effective, high-quality medications and help citizens reduce their out-of-pocket healthcare costs by assuring access to inexpensive, high-quality medicines at all levels of care.

It also aids in the most effective use of healthcare resources and budgets; medication procurement policies, health insurance; enhancing prescription behaviours; medical education and training; and pharmaceutical policies.

This list includes 384 medications divided into 27 therapeutic groups, with the inclusion of 34 pharmaceuticals, and the withdrawal of 26 drugs from the previous list.

Download - NLEM 2022

List of Medicines Removed from NLEM 2022

1. Alteplase
2. Atenolol
3. Bleaching Powder
4. Capreomycin
5. Cetrimide
6. Chlorpheniramine
7. Diloxanide furoate
8. Dimercaprol
9. Erythromycin
10. Ethinylestradiol
11. Ethinylestradiol(A) Norethisterone (B)
12. Ganciclovir
13. Kanamycin
14. Lamivudine (A) + Nevirapine (B) + Stavudine (C)
15. Leflunomide
16. Methyldopa
17. Nicotinamide
18. Pegylated interferon alfa 2a, Pegylated interferon alfa 2b
19. Pentamidine
20. Prilocaine (A) + Lignocaine (B)
21. Procarbazine
22. Ranitidine
23. Rifabutin
24. Stavudine (A) + Lamivudine (B)
25. Sucralfate
26. White Petrolatum

List of Medicines Added to NLEM 2022

1. Amikacin
2. Bedaquiline
3. Bendamustine Hydrochloride
4. Buprenorphine
5. Buprenorphine (A) + Naloxone (B)
6. Cefuroxime
7. Dabigatran
8. Daclatasvir
9. Darunavir (A) + Ritonavir (B)
10. Delamanid
11. Dolutegravir
12. Fludrocortisone
13. Insulin Glargine
14. Irinotecan HCI Trihydrate
15. Itraconazole
16. Ivermectin
17. Lamivudine
18. Latanoprost
19. Lenalidomide
20. Leuprolide acetate
21. Meropenem
22. Montelukast
23. Mupirocin
24. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
25. Ormeloxifene (Centchroman)
26. Phenoxymethyl penicillin
27. Procaine Benzyl penicillin
28. Rotavirus vaccine
29. Tenecteplase
30. Teneligliptin
31. Tenofovir (A) + Lamivudine (B) + Dolutegravir (C)
32. Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate (TAF)
33. Terbinafine
34. Valganciclovir
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