PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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Indian Medical Practitioners Co-operative Pharmacy and Stores (IMPCOPS) delivers various medicinal products from Ayurveda, Siddha and Unnani disciplines. We listed the IMPCOPS products and its prices details for your reference purpose.

IMPCOPS Ayurveda Products and Price List

(64.8 KiB) Downloaded 662 times
(177.48 KiB) Downloaded 516 times

IMPCOPS Siddha Products and Price List

(63.84 KiB) Downloaded 563 times
(134.39 KiB) Downloaded 542 times

IMPCOPS Unnani Products and Price List

(60.25 KiB) Downloaded 281 times
(79.93 KiB) Downloaded 291 times
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