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USFDA regulates the OTC and Prescription drugs, Schedule drugs are classified in to Schedule 1,2,3,4 Drugs. Each of the controlled substances is identified under one of five controlled substances schedules.

■ Schedule I (1)
■ Schedule II (2)
■ Schedule III (3)
■ Schedule IV (4)
■ Schedule V (5)

Schedule I Drugs

Schedule I drugs are highly potential for abuse. No accepted medical use in the U.S. or lacks accepted safety for use in treatment in the U.S. May be used for research purposes by properly registered individuals.

Examples: Heroin, Methylene Dioxymethamphetamine, Lysergic acid Diethylamide, Mescaline, and all Salts and Isomers.

Schedule II Drugs

Schedule II drugs are highly potential for abuse. Accepted medical use in the U.S. Abuse of substance may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.

Examples: morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, meperidine, dextroamphetamine, cocaine, amobarbital.

Schedule III Drugs

Schedule III Drugs has abuse potential less than substances in schedule I or schedule II. Has a currently accepted medical use in the U.S. Abuse of substance may lead to moderate to low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.

Examples: anabolic steroids, nalorphine, ketamine, certain schedule II substances in suppositories, mixtures, or limited amounts per dosage unit.

Schedule IV Drugs

Schedule IV Drugs has abuse potential less than substances in schedule III. Has a currently accepted medical use in the U.S. Abuse of substance may lead to limited physical or psychological dependence relative to substances in schedule III.

Examples: alprazolam, phenobarbital, meprobamate, modafinil
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