PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Guidelines for PharmD Internship, Hospital Training, Internship During COVID19, Clinical Pharmacy Activity Documentation Forms and etc.
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Dear PharmDs,

Doctor of Pharmacy internship students are looking for suitable super speciality hospitals to get trained and certified. Which hospital in India or Abroad proving PharmD Internship training? If you had undergone any such training or rotation kindly share your experiences and contact details to help the upcoming PharmD students. Thank you

Kindly provide the following information,

Hospital Name :



Contact Address/ Email/ Mobile Number

Additional information: How to approach? Procedures If any.
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Hospital name: Rajagiri Hospital

Location :Kochi,Aluva:Kerala

Specialities :

-Should cover all the specialities (ortho,cardio,pediatrics,gastro,onco,hematology,neurology etc)

-should attend ICU rounds(when posted)

-will be involved in all clinical activities along with the main clinical phamacists(antibiotc stewardship form documentations, ADR reporting, medication room checking)

Contact Information-0484 2905000


1)Send a mail with your CV to the HR mail id

2)If there is vacancy for the month you have asked for they will ask you to meet personally with the HOD of Clinical Pharmacology dept.

3)A request letter should be submitted to the HOD stating the period of internship.

4)HOD conducts an interview along with an MCQ test.

5)On passing the same - he forwards the letter to HR dept.

6)On joining do submit your CV with one ID proof copy , college bonafide and a passport size photo

7)Per month -1200Rs
Hospital name: Tata Memorial Hospital

Location : Mumbai, Maharashtra

Specialities : Oncology and Super sub-specialities within Oncology (e.g Critical Care Medicine, Medical Oncology, Throacic Oncology, Pediatric Oncology)

-Contact Information- As mentioned on the official Hospital website


1)Google search internship/observership at the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.

2)You will be guided to full an Online Application Form that contains personal details, academic and professional credentials along with preferred specialization (that can be selected from a drop box) with time and duration required.

3)You will then receive further information by designated personnel on the basis of the filled form.

4) Joining Prerequisites: College Bonafide Letter, CV, two passport sized photographs.
Hospital Name: Aster Medcity

Location: Cochin

Specialities: MICU, CTVS, Integrated Liver care, Orthopaedics, NICU, PMR

- Should present 1 case per week and 1 seminar per month.
-Should do discharge summary auditing and medication intending.
-Should document Drug related problems on daily basis.
-Should report ADRs to the respective ward preceptors.
-Should document patient counseling forms on daily basis.
-Must do medication management and use evaluation project.

Contact information: 04846699999


- Contact HR regarding the availability.
-Will mail the date of exam to the candidate.
-After selection process, an interview will be conducted by HOD of clinical pharmacy dept.
-Candidate will get the mail saying the result of interview.
- If the candidate got selected, they will mention the details about the joining date and also requirements that should be submitted to the HR dept.
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