PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Find Top PCD Pharma Franchise, Monopoly, Ayurvedic, Derma, Generic, Pharmaceutical Company Franchise like - Sun Pharma, Lupin and etc
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Solace Biotech Limited , a leading Player in PCD Pharma Franchise company offers you the golden opportunity to start your own business in your own territory with full monopoly basis as the company has a significant presence in brands across all the Pharma segments manufacturing and marketing more than 500+ products really feeling glad about being a part of this huge business sector.

The company connects the each and every dot of the profitable procedures as to make you stand longer in the competitive segment, providing you with promotional inputs and surprising you by the prices of the products which we have kept for you so you find it affordable.

If you want to set up pharma business in any part of the Indian states, just give us a call at 9355955555, 9992021027 and we will explain all the details regarding our pharma franchise in India.
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