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Cancer Patients Forum open for cancer patients to share their experiences and challenges with other patients and healthcare professionals. Ask questions? find support
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1.Manage stress
2.Get enough sleep
3.Exercise regularly.Exercise during and after cancer treatment. This can help reduce fatigue, weight gain, and loss of strength. In addition to regular exercise, try to avoid sitting or lying down for long periods.
4.Eat well but Choose less red meat, like beef, pork, lamb, goat, veal, and bison, and more fish, poultry, and plant-based proteins, such as beans.Eat foods high in fiber. These include whole grains, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, and seeds.
The important point to be noticed here is that lifestyle modification, however useful they are in preventing further complications in cancer and slowing the progression of the disease, they are only used to reduce the rate of cancer prolongation and cannot completely cure your cancer. For lung cancer, undertaking changes as mentioned below can be helpful in slowing the progression of the cancer;

1. Quit smoking (if applicable) OR Reduce exposure to second hand smoke (passive smoking).
2. Eat well - Good nutrition is important for lung cancer patients. Eating the right kinds of foods can help you feel better, stay stronger and fight infection.
3. Be active - Physical activity can help reduce fatigue, improve mood and maintain a healthy weight even if your condition will probably not allow you to exercise heavily.
4. Practicing breathing techniques - It may help improve your breathing
The risk of developing each type of cancer and each person's individual risk may vary depending on lifestyle and environmental factors. So certain lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of cancer like;
1. Avoid tobacco usage.
2.Eat fruits and vegetables- research shows that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce your chances of developing cancer
3.Use sun protection- Wearing long sleeves, long pants, sunglasses, and sunscreen and using shade protection is a key lifestyle habit that can help you avoid developing cancer like skin cancer.
4. Reduce alcohol consumption-Moderate to heavy alcohol consumption can lead to oesophageal cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute.
5. Exercising daily- helps in maintaining body weight and reduce fatigue.
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