PharmD Info

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Cancer Patients Forum open for cancer patients to share their experiences and challenges with other patients and healthcare professionals. Ask questions? find support
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No, neither cancer nor treatment of cancer is so bad as understood by a common man. Normally, cancer diagnosis gives a feeling of sadness, fear, panic, and distress. In some cases, it may disturb the normal life. Today, cancer is NOT a terrifying disease. It is just like another chronic disease like diabetes, heart diseases, etc. Cancer is curable in the early stages. Technical advance like Sonography, Mammography, MRI, Endoscopy, Nuclear Medicine, Tumor Markers have facilitated early diagnosis. With the help of all these , one can aspirate tumor cell (removes the fluid from tumor cells)from deep-seated tumors for diagnosis.
1.Giving away the fear of cancer
2.Acceptability to consult a physician
3.Will go a long way towards early diagnosis

Mainly three types of cancer treatments are available:

Germ cell seminoma responds very well to the cancer treatment and most of the people who had undergone the treatment got cured.
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