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Dear colleagues,

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a “Special Short-Term International Course”, a MOOC, commemorating the International Year of Periodic Table (IYPT 2019). It’s been 150 years since periodic table had been introduced.

What is this MOOC?
It is a multi-disciplinary course designed for Schools, Colleges and Universities to opt for registration through a coordinator. Please note, this program meets the NAAC, NBA, NIRF and API criterions.

Fees & Eligibility
Eligibility: Undergraduate and Above | Disciplines: Open for all Disciplines
Mode: Online Course

Fee for National Participants
₹ 499 for students, educators & professionals

Contains 16 lectures including:
Forests & Cultures
Making of the Elements
The Industry Frontiers
The Engineering Frontiers
The Business Frontiers
The Ground Zero
The Nanobiotechnology Frontiers
The Tragedies of Periodic Table
Search for Extraterrestrial Life
The Chemistry of Love
The Philosopher’s Stone
Gaming Climate Change
Environmental Laws and Governance
Quantum World
The Synthetic Life
The Heroes of the Periodic Table

How to register?
Open the following link and follow the given steps ... a-program/

Enroll: Register for the program.

Fee Payment – National Participants
Fill the online form and pay the fee online through our payment gateway

Fee Payment – International Participants
Fill the online form and pay the fee via paypal.


Access: The access to the online program will be made available from February 08, 2019 onward.


Assessments: Online Assessment based on Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) & Short Essay Questions
Grading: Grades A+, A, B & C will be awarded.


Certification: On successful completion of assessment, certificate will be awarded.
Rewards like medallions (if applicable) will be dispatched along with certificates.Dear colleagues,
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