PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Pharmacotherapy Cases, Problem Based, and Case-Based Learning, Simulated Case Studies, Clinical Pharmacy Cases, PharmD Practical Case Studies.
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Here you can download pharmacy/ Pharm D case studies. Registration is required for downloading the file.

Gastrointestinal case studies

Case study Example 1 – Ulcerative colitis
Case study Example 2 – Constipation
Case study Example 3 – Irritable bowel syndrome
Case study Example 4 – Duodenal ulcer
Case study Example 5 – Ulcerative colitis

Cardiovascular case studies

Case study Example 1 – Angina
Case study Example 2 – Hypertension
Case study Example 3 – Atrial fibrillation
Case study Example 4 – Heart failure
Case study Example 5 – Myocardial infarction

Respiratory system case studies

Case study Example 1 – Asthma – community
Case study Example 2 – Asthma – acute on chronic
Case study Example 3 – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) –with co-morbidity
Case study Example 4 – COPD
Case study Example 5 – Brittle asthma

Central nervous system case studies

Case study Example 1 – A case of insomnia
Case study Example 2 – A case of eating disorder (bulimia nervosa)
Case study Example 3 – A case of dementia, Alzheimer’s type
Case study Example 4 – A case of schizophrenia
Case study Example 5 – A case of buprenorphine high-dose prescribing in addiction

Infections case studies

Case study Example 1 – Sore throat
Case study Example 2 – Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Case study Example 3 – Pneumonia
Case study Example 4 – Meningitis
Case study Example 5 – Diabetic foot infection

Endocrine case studies

Case study Example 1 – Myasthenia gravis
Case study Example 2 – Thyroid dysfunction
Case study Example 3 – Hormone replacement therapy
Case study Example 4 – Osteoporosis
Case study Example 5 – Type 2 diabetes

Obstetrics, gynaecology and UTI case studies

Case study Example 1 – Primary dysmenorrhoea
Case study Example 2 – Urinary tract infections in pregnancy
Case study Example 3 – Pelvic inflammatory disease
Case study Example 4 – Endometriosis management in secondary care
Case study Example 5– Management of severe pre-eclampsia/ eclampsia and its complications

Musculoskeletal and joint disease case studies

Case study Example 1 – Rheumatoid arthritis
Case study Example 2 – Rheumatoid arthritis
Case study Example 3 – Gout
Case study Example 4– Osteoarthritis
Case study Example 5 – Osteoporosis

Eyes and ENT case studies

Case study Example 1 – Ears
Case study Example 2 – Conjunctivitis
Case study Example 3 – Hayfever
Case study Example 4 – Sinusitis
Case study Example 5 – Glaucoma

Skin case studies

Case study Example 1 – Cold sores
Case study Example 2 –Severe acne
Case study Example 3 – Pre-dialysis patient with anaemia
Case study Example 4 – Diabetes and renal impairment
Case study Example 5 – Hypertension-associated kidney disease

Pediatrics case studies

Case study Example 1 – Croup
Case study Example 2 – Fever
Case study Example 3 – Diabetes
Case study Example 4 – Gastro-esophageal reflux
Case study Example 5 – Asthma

Care of older people case studies

Case study Example 1 – It is important to be regular: constipation and the older person

Case study Example 2 – Treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Case study Example 3 – Acute confusional state, dehydration and Parkinson’s disease

Case study Example 4 – Treatment of stroke and its complications in the older person

Case study Example 5 – Hearts and bones

To download the above cases follow the below link
Pharm d case studies
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