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NMC Bill India 2019 - Any benefits for Pharm.D Graduates? In the National Medical Commission Bill 2019, Section 32 of the NMC Bill provides for licensing of 3.5 lakhs nonmedical persons or Community Health Providers to practice modern medicine.

The details of the Section 32 - NMC Bill 2019

The Commission may grant limited licence to practice medicine at mid-level as Community Health Provider to such person connected with modern scientific medical profession who qualify such criteria as may be specified by the regulations: Provided that the number of limited licence to be granted under this sub-section shall not exceed one-third of the total number of licenced medical practitioners registered under sub-section (1) of section 31.

The Community Health Provider who are granted limited licences under sub-section (1), may practice medicine to such extent, in such circumstances and for such period, as may be specified by the regulations.

The Community Health Provider may prescribe specified medicine independently, only in primary and preventive healthcare, but in cases other than primary and preventive healthcare, he may prescribe medicine only under the supervision of medical practitioners registered under sub-section (1) of section 32.

Who all are coming under Sub- Section (1) ?

Any person who qualifies the National Exit Test held under section 15 shall be granted a licence to practice medicine and shall have his name and qualifications enrolled in the National Register or a State Register.

In this case should we need to clear National Exit Test to practice medicines?

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This is the right time for all the Pharmd students and the Pharmd association who claim that they are working for Pharmd upliftment to go to the body and represent that Pharmd is studying all the parts of modern medicine and we will much suitable for it... There are many talented Pharmd individuals who talk and represent well for asking the prescription rights but they do not have any position in organisation which will be a clear pathway to talk to politicians, bodies , media etc. N who are there in Pharmd association with position they don't speak on the prescription rights n just speak regardinng clinical Pharmacist with which not even 1000 pharmd s won't get employment and we know the peanut salaries for this position too.... This is the right time for Pharmds to grab the mid level health practitioner role and do independent evidence based medicine practice n create our own employment...
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