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July 13, the agency announced it has approved TPOXX (generic name: tecovirimat), the first drug that specifically treats smallpox. Yes, smallpox, the disease that was eradicated from the world in 1980, thanks to a global vaccination campaign. (Eradication means that cases of the disease no longer occur naturally.)

Why the FDA Just Approved a Drug for Smallpox, Nearly 40 Years After the Disease Was Eradicated?

As reported by FDA “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved TPOXX (tecovirimat), the first drug with an indication for treatment of smallpox. Though the World Health Organization declared smallpox, a contagious and sometimes fatal infectious disease, eradicated in 1980, there have been longstanding concerns that smallpox could be used as a bioweapon

Reference: ... 613496.htm
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