PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

After PharmD, MS programs, Ph.D., Fellowship programs, foreign pharmacist licensure examinations like IELTS, TCQR Process, OSPAP, FPGEE and etc
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reshus23 wrote: 13 May 2018, 21:14 can you suggest few universities to pursue masters in Canada and US
List of Pharmacy Colleges in Canada

University of Toronto
University of Waterloo -
University of Alberta -
University of Manitoba -
University of British Columbia -
Memorial University of Newfoundland -
Dalhousie University -
University of Saskatchewan -
Josy Jose wrote: 15 May 2018, 19:23 I am a Permanent Resident of Florida USA and is about to complete my Pharm D program by August 2018 in from Mangalore, Karnataka.As we are talking about higher studies, should we get registered in USA ( which is a long process) to pursue higher studies...Which is the best option for me? Registered Pharmacist or Higher studies?
As you said its a long process to become a registered pharmacist in canada

It's better to start with higher studies and side by side clear all the examinations if possible.
Im now pharmD 5th yr and want to be specialised in oncology. Can someone please help me with the information of getting into residency programs. Please be clear with the eligibility criteria of getting into resident program.
In relation with my experience and conscious, bright future ahead in developed nations like US, France etc., provided with MBA after Pharm.D.
In India, I am looking forward for the similar opportunities to be happen in the near future.
[Note: I am unaware of the opportunities in India]
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