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Acceptance levels of Clinical Pharmacy Services by other Healthcare Professionals in Hospitals

1- Poor
10 - Excellent
No votes
Maria wrote: 21 Jul 2018, 12:46 Sir,
Which all hospitals provide a chance to work as a clinical pharmacist in India
Well initially to start with you can apply to any hospital which is NABH or JCI accredited or is in process of accreditation.

Now a days most of the corporate hospitals are entertaining clinical pharmacists.
Surely, you need to prove yourself to gain trust.
bitubenny wrote: 21 Jul 2018, 12:55 Sir,
Other than patient orientated care, what are the other roles of a clinical pharmacist??
Other than direct patient care, you are expected to manage the Medication related policies throughout hospital like
1) Maintenance of Drug formulary
2) Maintenance of ward stocks (including ED and Ambulance)
3) Crash cart management throughout hospital (including all high risk areas)
4) Narcotics usage and issue verification
5) Conduct CMEs for nursing and doctors relating to new therapies and hospital policies on medication (Verbal orders, high risk medication verification, LASA management etc...)
6) You can also opt for becoming quality representative / executive by gaining some training
7) Coordinate with HIC team to develop Antibiotic policies
8) Conduct Clinical audits ...
These are few enlisted, you can explore more and more as you gain experience.
greeshma_1997 wrote: 21 Jul 2018, 12:56 Sir,
Other than a clinical pharmacist, what are other areas of scope for pharm d student in India ??
There are a lot many other potions, a few of them are
1) Apply for Drug Inspector exam
2) Become an Acedemician
3) Join Pharmacovigilance and or CRO's
4) Open your own Pharmaceutical business
5) Apply for Industrial residency
6) Join a Pharmaceutical company as medical adviser or product manager or technical advisor
7) Join Medical insurance companies
8) Open a Pharmacy with basic clinical services which might out stand you for patients to visit (like with basic test and vitals monitoring, refilling notifications to patients, counselling about medications, ADR notifications etc...)
As clinical pharmacy is in it's budding state in India we are adopting Western practice and guidelines and I am sure that we will succeed in following their working pattern in near future . But are we ready to manage the patients in future without implementing their process of Electronic prescription or automated prescription auditing mechanism ?
I think clinical pharmacist should initiate and educate the doctor's regarding the advantage of Computer aided prescription order entry and automated prescription review process

Open for discussion to all
priya.k-nair wrote:As clinical pharmacy is in it's budding state in India we are adopting Western practice and guidelines and I am sure that we will succeed in following their working pattern in near future . But are we ready to manage the patients in future without implementing their process of Electronic prescription or automated prescription auditing mechanism ?
I think clinical pharmacist should initiate and educate the doctor's regarding the advantage of Computer aided prescription order entry and automated prescription review process

Open for discussion to all
priya.k-nair wrote:As clinical pharmacy is in it's budding state in India we are adopting Western practice and guidelines and I am sure that we will succeed in following their working pattern in near future . But are we ready to manage the patients in future without implementing their process of Electronic prescription or automated prescription auditing mechanism ?
I think clinical pharmacist should initiate and educate the doctor's regarding the advantage of Computer aided prescription order entry and automated prescription review process

Open for discussion to all
I agree with you Dr.Priya@priya.k-nair, In our Government Hospital , Ooty we have electronic prescription system. Really its helpful in avoiding duplication and other errors which are related to prescriptions. Its really useful but dispensing and administration errors are the challenges. What set of SOPs you follow when dispensing drugs to patients?
Sir I have 2 questions
1.What do you think is being the hindrance for the recognision and development of the scope for clinical pharmacists in India? Do you believe it Is the quality of the students ?
2. Approximately how many clinical interventions are made in a day by a clinical pharmacist working in a tertiary care hospital ?
Vevian wrote:In hospital which department has good scope for service as clinical pharmacist?

Oncology is one of the major ward were pharmacist have more scope to do his service.

Role of the oncology clinical pharmacist is mainly to identify, prevent and manage any drug related problem including drug choice, dosage, interactions, administration and side effects
Admin wrote: 21 Jul 2018, 18:12
priya.k-nair wrote:As clinical pharmacy is in it's budding state in India we are adopting Western practice and guidelines and I am sure that we will succeed in following their working pattern in near future . But are we ready to manage the patients in future without implementing their process of Electronic prescription or automated prescription auditing mechanism ?
I think clinical pharmacist should initiate and educate the doctor's regarding the advantage of Computer aided prescription order entry and automated prescription review process

Open for discussion to all
priya.k-nair wrote:As clinical pharmacy is in it's budding state in India we are adopting Western practice and guidelines and I am sure that we will succeed in following their working pattern in near future . But are we ready to manage the patients in future without implementing their process of Electronic prescription or automated prescription auditing mechanism ?
I think clinical pharmacist should initiate and educate the doctor's regarding the advantage of Computer aided prescription order entry and automated prescription review process

Open for discussion to all
I agree with you Dr.Priya@priya.k-nair, In our Government Hospital , Ooty we have electronic prescription system. Really its helpful in avoiding duplication and other errors which are related to prescriptions. Its really useful but dispensing and administration errors are the challenges. What set of SOPs you follow when dispensing drugs to patients?
Our SOP's for outpatient prescription auditing includes the following checks before the drug dispensed from pharmacy
1. Electronic review of prescription
2. Check for drug to drug, drug to disease , drug to allergy ( documented predetermined allergy )
3. Therapeutic duplications
4. Appropriateness in the selected dose especially for pediatric, renal impairement and patients on high alert medications
5. Whether dose exceeds the maximum daily dose
6. Communicate the intervention to prescriber
7. Recommend alternate options , if needed
8. Documentation
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