PharmD Info

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Patient counseling is an empathic communication between the pharmacist and the patients which help in providing advice, support and information to the patients regarding the drugs and drug therapy and can lead to the optimum effectiveness of drug therapy (rational drug therapy)


+To make the students to learn about the Patient Counseling procedure
+To make the students to learn about setting objectives for counseling session.
+To make the students to deliver the relevant information to the patient.
+To train the students on setting priorities during the patient counseling.
+To improve Communication Skill and Inter Personal Behavior with Patient .


Students should complete the following tasks before they make the actual counseling session,

• Patient related information’s like, past medical history, past medication history, chief complaints and other medical related information should be collected from the given case.
• Patient disease related risk factors should be critically reviewed by the students.
• Objectives of the counseling session should be detailed by the students to the preceptors.
• Points to be covered during the counseling session should be mentioned with relevant reasons.
• Prioritize the counseling key points in order based on complete review of the given case.
• If any queries with patient that should be documented and answered during the actual counseling session.

Students should perform the below steps during the counseling session with the patient.

1. Self-Introduction
2. Purpose of counseling should be detailed to the patient.
3. Counseling or Education should be provided to the patient.
4. Should be warned about taking OTC, herbal, etc.
5. Patient understanding towards other medication should be reviewed by the pharmacist
6. Counseling points should be summarized by the pharmacist to the patient.

General instructions

*Counseling session will take 5-10 minutes maximum.
*Should wear white clean aprons during counseling session.
*Students can bring counseling aids like pamphlets, dummy inhalers etc. if necessary.
*Patient Privacy should be taken care by the Counselors.
*After each Counseling session s debriefing session will be conducted by the preceptor.
*The Patient Counseling Form is enclosed for your review.

Patient Counselling Form- Page -1


Patient Counselling Form- Page -2

Last bumped by Admin on 21 Dec 2020, 08:44.
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