PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

After PharmD, MS programs, Ph.D., Fellowship programs, foreign pharmacist licensure examinations like IELTS, TCQR Process, OSPAP, FPGEE and etc
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Dear Dileep, I would like to know few information about OSCE. ( Objective Structured Clinical Examination). OSCE is for Canadian or US Pharma students? As we know that the simulation labs and trained faculties are the major issues in India. How do we prepare our students to prepare for these type of examination? Is there any training centers available? Anyone have any experience ?
Admin wrote: 03 Jun 2017, 12:36 Dear Dileep, I would like to know few information about OSCE. ( Objective Structured Clinical Examination). OSCE is for Canadian or US Pharma students? As we know that the simulation labs and trained faculties are the major issues in India. How do we prepare our students to prepare for these type of examination? Is there any training centers available? Anyone have any experience ?
Dear admin,
I dont have any information about OSCE as of now. But , I will definitely share with you if i get to know anything in future.
DileepRao wrote: 02 Jun 2017, 19:56
When it comes to residency programs, I got a chance to speak with chief clinical pharmacists of few reputed hospitals during the course of my masters program and i was told that they offer residency program for foreign students but the evaluation part , application process will be little complex.(Note: it will be costly) ( It will be nice if you can get the opportunity, work environment was very exciting).
I think its better to do Residency Programs in aboard rather than MS Program's. I hope this will be the suitable option for the candidates who want to settle in India after their higher studies. We have good scope in India those who specialized as clinical pharmacist in Oncology, Pediatrics and other specialties.

Anyone can say what will be average cost and duration of course for the followings,

1.MS program + State Pharmacist Examination US/Canada ( Include Naplex, and Etc)

2. Residency Program in US ( As Dileep Roa Said Its Costly )
swathi wrote: 02 Jun 2017, 17:30 Higher studies after Pharm D depends on the individual interest. Research oriented candidates can go for PhD which will be taking 3-4yrs depending on part-time or full time. Clinical - Pharmacy Practice interested candidates can opt for residency programme (2 years ) on particular specialisation ( cardiology , nephrology or oncology etc).- PharmD + PhD or PharmD + Residency is based on your interest and both are different.
Can you just provide more details about the exact procedures and exams to be cleared for doing a residency after pharmd... How to select a university and which all accreditation to be looked into...
Admin wrote:There is no other ways to apply for residency within India. Till now none of our Indian pharmacy colleges started this program. Indian PharmD students cant apply for residency programs in other countries too. We hope our Indian PharmD Colleges will initiate this program in short period based on the demand from hospitals.

why is it that indian pharm d stdents cant apply for residency programme abroad??
kindly enlighten
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