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Recent Job Vacancy Notifications- Medical Sales Representative Jobs, Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Job Alerts from Zydus Cadilla, Novartis, Dr.Reddys, Sun Pharma and etc.
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Admin wrote: 05 May 2017, 16:01 Vacancy of Regional Sales Manager - Bhopal .

Must be working as RSM (2nd line manager)in reputed Pharma company.

Experience required -7-15 yrs

Kindly share cv at [email protected]

Hello there,
I want to do sales manager job.
I would like to tell you that My elder brother also has been doing work in this company since last 1 years. he told me that Pharma company's market reputation is really good. And I'm very excited to become a part of this company.
I have sent my resume to your email-ID. I hope you will give me a response as soon as.
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