PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Interested in B Pharmacy? Find Admission Procedure, Eligibility, Syllabus, Best Colleges for B Pharm, B Pharma Refresher Course after D Pharm, Job Opportunities and etc.
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By Admin
B Pharmacy First Year Syllabus AKTU
(667.44 KiB) Downloaded 560 times
B Pharmacy Second Year Syllabus AKTU
(234.39 KiB) Downloaded 577 times
B Pharmacy Third Year Syllabus AKTU
(234.39 KiB) Downloaded 577 times
B Pharmacy Fourth Year Syllabus AKTU
(122.02 KiB) Downloaded 522 times
Last bumped by Admin on 19 Dec 2018, 19:03.
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