PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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Dear all,

Thanks for your support as a member of PharmD Info online Community Forum.

I am happy to share that we are planning to offer " PharmD Info E-Learn Course Work Series on Pharmacotherapeutics" through PharmD Info E Learn portal for our members. Its free for PharmD Info forum members.

I look for Content Contributors,Interested Volunteers as organizers. ( LMS - Learning Management System orientation will be for the Content Contributors and Teaching Staffs)

Before all these i would like to make some preliminary discussions about our E-learn portal to all our members. I request all our members to raise your questions to understand more about this online E-Learn course work.

Maximum 30 members will be allowed for the free online course work Module. First priority will be given for the members who was actively participated on Forum discussions.

To view the PharmD Info E Learn portal kindly follow the below link

Click Here to Visit E Learn Portal
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