PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Guidelines for PharmD Internship, Hospital Training, Internship During COVID19, Clinical Pharmacy Activity Documentation Forms and etc.
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The evaluation of satisfactory completion of the internship is done based on the Proficiency of knowledge, Competency, Responsibility and punctuality, Involvement in patient care, Team behavior, Initiating and participating in active discussions and research.

To download Certificate PharmD Internship

Pharm D Interns performance is evaluated based on the following scoring system, Poor=0, Fair=1, Below Average= 2, Average= 3, Above Average= 4, Excellent=5. A score of 3 and above represents satisfactory completion of the internship for the issue of internship completion certificate.

However, if the candidates' work is not satisfactory & the scoring is less than 3 he/she has to continue the internship to the satisfaction of the Preceptors.
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