PharmD Info

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14. There will be an drug enteral feeding interaction with this patient like
WARFARIN; There will be the possible decreases the absorption or interaction with vit-k in feeds
MANAGEMENT; *Closely moniter the international normalized ratio(INR)
*consider alternative method for anticoagulant
*Dose adjustment should be done
question 2
Digoxin is considered safe to use in the elderly as long as the dose is no greater than 0.125 milligram (mg) or 125 mcg per day.
higher dose may cause Changes in mood and mental alertness, including confusion, depression and lost interest in usual activities
this may be the reason for her confused state
11.Concentrated potassium is a high risk medication.
Pharmacists and other health professionals involved in handling this high-risk product must ensure that it is stored and utilised in accordance with this policy in order to minimise the risk of its inadvertent or inaccurate administration.
In order to further minimise the risks posed by use of potassium strong injection (2mmol/ml), this presentation of potassium is only available in certain clinical areas within the Trust. Where potassium is required to be administered to patients outside of these clinical areas doctors must prescribe one of the pre-mixed infusion bags which are available
9.infection at the site of injection
.chances of sysytemic infection
. allergic reactions are fast
. reddness ,pain ,swelling at site occurs
.damage to blood vessels ,phlebitis and inflammation of veins .
if air gets trapped in syringe : air embolism occurs
. blood clots are possible to form
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