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List of New Drugs Approved by CDSCO in India from the year 1961 to till date are listed here for your reference purpose. All the years are covered except 2016 and 2017.

CDSCO Approved Drugs ( Year Wise List)

1961 To 1970 - Download Here

1971 To 1980 - Download Here

1981 To 1990 - Download Here

1991 To 2000 - Download Here

2001 CDSCO Approved Drug - Download Here

2002 CDSCO Approved Drug - Download Here

2003 CDSCO Approved Drug - Download Here

2004 CDSCO Approved Drug - Download Here

2005 CDSCO Approved Drug - Download Here

2006 CDSCO Approved Drug - Download Here

2007 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2008 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2009 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2010 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2011 CDSCO Approved Drugs- Download Here

2012 CDSCO Approved Drugs- Download Here

2013 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2014 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2015 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2016 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Not Available

2017 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Not Available

2018 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2019 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2020 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here

2021 CDSCO Approved Drugs - Download Here
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