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Looking for Ideas to celebrate Pharmacist Day? Celebrating the Pharmacist Day on 25th September every year on this day.

PCI welcomes all State Pharmacy Councils, Pharmaceutical Institutes, Professional Pharmacy Organizations and all Pharmaceutical Professional to organise and conduct pharmacist activities in every corner in India.

Promotional initiatives including the media, as well as engagement with patients and the public, are important strategies to enhance the value of "Pharmacists Day" for the profession and society.

Pharmacist Day aims to identify the pharmaceutical workers' vital contribution. Make sure you would like your pharmacist a very good day when you come to your drugstore the day or if you meet with a pharmacist.

Pharmacist Day is about recognizing our pharmacist friends, all the men and women that make up the medical system. "Thank you," the words you can't hear too frequently, is about saying it. Take the day as the best opportunity to congratulate them for their commitment to the forefront of pharmacy and for their great patience and sympathy. I want to thank you, despite working this extra hour, for your commitment and your sympathy to the harsh patients, reading the writings and smiling of the physicians.

Pharmacist Day celebrates the arrival in India of the pharmaceutical profession. The Pharmacist Day would be a communication forum among pharmaceutical professionals from all industries and backgrounds, with professional inputs from the pharmaceutical business.

Tips and Ideas for Celebrating Pharmacist Day - Some activities that can be undertaken are -

1. For your patients: do a check-up/testing of common diseases and evaluate the medications of patients and provide them with the appropriate drugs for safe use.

2. To your pharmacist: The lovingest present you can give your pharmacist is a great 'thank you.' Also, you may offer him/her a thematic present to create a grin.

3. Your pharmacist colleague: You should arrange an event to recognise your other pharmacists who work hard and are essential to a society if you are a pharmacist or pharmacist manager. You may plan a meal, a tea, etc., tokens for their hard work, such as gift cards, name tag holders, bugs, etc. you can also hand away.

4. Organisations and institutes for professional pharmaceuticals: Arrange a training and cross-training programme to share experiences as a pharmacist for them. Provide a pharmacy organization/institution certificate of gratitude to pharmacists.

5. If you're a student, a medical fellow: Take an overview and compose inspirational messages about all pharmacist employees, put them on the newsletter board.

To know about WPD activities of FIP, PCI, IPA - Find out here
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