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While combating the second wave of COVID-19, India has now been afflicted by another epidemic caused by mucormycosis, a life-threatening opportunistic infection. Due to their immune-suppressed status, COVID-19 patients in India are now more likely to develop mucormycosis during or after treatment. Uncontrolled diabetes, irrational use of steroids, as well as the severity of COVID-19 can all contribute to the growth of mucormycosis. Risk mitigation strategies that could be used to control the rise of mucormycosis-related COVID-19 patients should be evaluated. The purpose of this article is to explore the modifiable risk variables that are involved in the medical management of COVID-19 patients, as well as the mechanisms through which they raise the risk. This overview also includes a brief discussion of mycology and how the disease pattern varies depending on the regions of the body affected. In this article, we detailed about the early detection and treatment of mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients.

Authors: Sherin Mary Shaji, Sadagoban Gopal Krishnamoorthy, Swathi Swaroopa Borra

How to Cite

Shaji, S. M. ., Krishnamoorthy, S. G. ., & Borra, S. S. (2022). Mucormycosis in COVID-19: modifiable risk factors and its mitigation in India. Italian Journal of Mycology, 51, 11–22.

Italian Journal of Mycology

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